industrial railways

  1. Dave

    7mm Bury, Thorn & Sons Ltd.

    I suppose I ought to post something, instead of gawping at other people's stuff... I'm not going to do the whole "how I built it" thing but will just throw up some pictures and a short description of my layout. Bury, Thorn & Sons Ltd. is a fictional tar distillery and chemical works...
  2. J

    Gauge 1 (1:32 scale) RUSTON 48DS DIESEL SHUNTER

    My latest project...........for the delight of the ' Bodger of Bath' , if he EVER finishes his Manning Wardle :laugh: [attachment=2:3hxhnm8t]rusmod5.jpg[/attachment:3hxhnm8t] [attachment=1:3hxhnm8t]rusmod7.jpg[/attachment:3hxhnm8t] [attachment=0:3hxhnm8t]rusmod8.jpg[/attachment:3hxhnm8t]...