It's started....Christmas tat


Western Thunderer
Can anyone explain the apparent connection between Christmas & trains?

I watched Polar Express with my kids when they were of an age to watch such things (Harry Potter is far better IMO)and still have no idea what's going on.



Western Thunderer
Can anyone explain the apparent connection between Christmas & trains?.....

For me Xmas 1976 was the start of my model railway journey with the main present from my parents being a railway laid out on a board with associated presents from other family members.

In those far off days when money was for most people less easy to come by, and the idea of credit cards not maybe as widespread then big presents were saved for birthdays and Xmas only.


Western Thunderer
Well, I kind of agree with Mr Grumpy. Although I've never got to the state of three of anything running at once, so maybe it has merit.


Western Thunderer
I agree about the ready cash situation, my baptism was a second hand Hornby Dublo 3-rail collection, (Duchess of Atholl plus three, a working mail coach, an 0-6-2 tank plus two, and half a dozen assorted wagons, plus track) probably Christmas 1965 or 66, (wish I still had it!) but the receiving of train-set Christmas presents doesn't seem to explain the popularity of coarse (scale) models circulating mindlessly under Christmas Trees, which were presumably installed a few days before gifts were given.

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