On going meetings and discussions of the S7 group in the North East


Western Thunderer
Doug - if you want to leave them for me at Locomotion I am sure we could/will put them to some use.

On a related note, I have booked the room for the next meeting at Locomotion on January 24th (weather permitting) and look forward to seeing faces new and old. Maybe Caggers will have need of some electrickery by then.



Western Thunderer
No worries Peter, I'll box it all up and leave it on your desk next time I'm there, should be no later than 29th as we've got the test track up then


Western Thunderer

Yes, please... As we have been meeting for over a year now I think that maybe we are a real group, at least we are trying to be. Every meeting so far we have had a new member, some of the previous members have not been able to make it but we are growing.

You could bring them to the next meeting, I know we are a S7 titled group, but I believe in being open to all so long as the 'essence' is quality modeling in 7mm. There are a number of people who have been along which are valued members who may not have decided that S7 is for them, Yet...



Western Thunderer
Anyone with a preferred date(s)?

I just need to check my calendar as it's now athletics season...


Western Thunderer
Still having trouble with my hand (had one operation & looks like I may need another) so restricted to public transport at present. May not be able to make it for a Sunday meeting, depends on location and date.



Western Thunderer
Hi Everyone,

Some of you will know that Caggers has been, and still is, a very busy fella, what with work, family life (including a daughter who is a talented junior athelete) and his local model railway club so he has agreed to me taking over as meetings organiser for our little group.

In that case I had better organise one then. For me, October is a bit busy; I have both of my 7mm layouts 'out' this month at Shildon on the 8th & 9th (yes, I know, its Keighley that weekend :headbang:) and then at Spennymoor on the 29th/30th so those weekends are 'out' for me. That leaves Sunday 16th or 23rd (remember that Hartlepool exhibition is on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd as well) if you want October.

If that is a bit short notice for you how about November? Apart from Newcastle show on the weekend 0f 12th/13th and Warley on the weekend of 26th/27th (I am planning to go on the Sunday) the rest is, as they say, free.

As for December, I am off to the Reading show on the first weekend to buy myself a present to celebrate my 65th birthday on the 2nd and I believe that there is something on around the 25th. Can't remember what exactly but it is something I try to ignore ... bah humbug!

So,to recap, possible dates are:-
October 16th/23rd
November 6th/13th/20th
December 11th/18th

Have a check in your diaries & work schedules and let me know which days you cn make/prefer and I will sort something out.



Hi Peter,

October is out for me, as im at Warrington and Hartlepool.

November is a bit better with any of the dates you have put being ok.

I think December may be pushing it with being so close to Christmas.



Western Thunderer
Hi everyone,

Just been 'conversing' with Locomotion and the only date available is Sunday, Novemebr 20th ... so I've booked it. Put the date in your diary, or whatever you use, and let's have a good turnout - well, me plus one other would be fine :thumbs:.

As for Richard, I'll send you details in a PM as soon as I've finished typing this.
