7mm Ressaldar's Workshop - a paintshop diversion


Western Thunderer
the small 'saloon' - I cannot believe that the upholstery was that that was used when in service, nor the pink curtains:eek: - Mike[/quote]

Mike - note the curtians are lined (not OGBGO!) so from the outside you see the silver grey, i've added some phots to the 80975 thread - cos there of 80972, also note patterened curtains in this one, dont believe they were done like that for fun?




Western Thunderer
Hi Andy,

see my reply on the Q13 thread - these curtains, like the Q13 are going to be plain orange.

Hi all,

today I took the bull by the horns and went for the 'cut & carve'-

Following receipt of my dimension enquiries I made some drawings of the end window arrangement, and printed two out and applied them to the ends after filing off the moulded step brackets. Then it was a question of going in with the parallel milling bit in the hand held mini-drill and keeping about 2mm inside the line - and then finishing off with various grades of files.


Having come through that escapade without any trauma, I marked out the cut lines - using the previously cut and prepared doors which were to be inserted as a guide -( I had had the measurements taken from the adjacent window to the door opening) again made the cuts inside the lines and filed back to the line, checking all the while that all was square and I was pleased that I had kept the ends and roof on the chassis so that I could also ensure that the overall length was maintained. The cut lines can just be made out in the photo below - the joins were overfilled with superglue and then filed back flush once all was dry.


The next task was to fill in the redundant openings, to give the filler something to bite on, I used the glazing pieces that were supplied for those openings, drilled the three or four times for the filler to squeeze through, superglued them in place and then applied Squadron putty to both sides and put the sides aside to dry, as can be seen in the photo, there has been a certain amount of shrinkage already, so tomorrow I will sand everything down and apply a further coat of filler and repeat again if necessary.

The ends will have a plasticard strip glued in with it's edges flush with the cill and head to allow the windiw frame arrangement to be fitted - tomorrows fun:thumbs:




Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,

bravery has nothing to do with it - it's pure necessity;) (fortunately, Laurie included a couple of extra ends in the kit, so I have a couple of spares, must admit that I was a bit careful when I was cutting and filing the sides though:eek:)




Western Thunderer
Tidied up the filler yesterday and overall, I'm quite pleased with the way that things are going - photos below shown with a witness coat of primer:


corridor side with double doors filled in on the left and the new single door inserted - a few signs of the 'joins' needing attention


kitchen side, with window filled in on the left, new single door inserted (no 'join' signs on this side) double doors filled in and new window opening formed in the double door location - the 'gutter rail' above both new doors needs attention due to a slight variation in the moulds for the two types of coach)


a fuzzy picture showing both sides lined up (all of these photos taken on the phone)

There will be no progress today as I'm off to the Club - painting baseboards and fitting bearers on the walls to hang backscenes on - and the prospect of an egg and sausage toastie for lunch from the 'on site' sandwich bar - what an incentive:thumbs:



Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Looking good. It's very satisfying to see repairs and joins disappear, although it can be laborious work. I dislike having to work around moulded detail when I do this, and the more I do it the more I think I need to get a good stock of detail parts for replacing damaged stuff.


Western Thunderer
Hi Heather,

many thanks for the comment.

This is all a first for me - I must say that the material is quite nice to work and as most of it is 'by hand' the dust that is generated is minimal and therefor not the threat that machining would be. The end windows will be an interesting time, I am thinking of separate frames using 1mm square platicard with a 5 thou brass shim skin over them, it seems that that was the 'prototypical' method. The glazing would then 'sit' within the frame and have a 0.5mm rim/face on the shim - we'll see tomorrow:thumbs:




Western Thunderer
Best laid plans etc. I was diverted by 'domestic duties' this morning and as I think that best part of a working day might be needed for the end windows, I decided to tackle the heater vents instead.


I made a dummy aperture in a piece of 40 thou plasticard then having marked up centres on the coach side I overlaid the plasticard onto the side and ran a pencil around the perimeter (the left hand vent is centred on the coach)


and with the trusty parallel milling bit in the flexidrive made cuts within the scribed box, carefully filed down to the horizontal line and the right hand line in each case, used those 'finished' lines as the datum and filed back on the left hand side and top for an interference fit and then superglued around the edges.


the vents were only fitted on this side.

The vents on the model were supplied by Shawn at Easybuild and he tells me that they will be available as 'accessories' as they were fitted to a number of other inspection saloons - not just WR versions, and also some other Departmental vehicles. They are supplied as part of the kit for the Mk1 Diag 1/552 Inspection saloon that he has just brought out.




Western Thunderer
a deep breath and a start made on the end windows. I had some 30thou x 60thou plasticard strip in stock and needed 60x60 so I laminated two lengths and went for it.

Made up two frames 23mm x 22mm overall



and fitted them centrally in the aperture with the backcorners against the inner face to give an approximate 1mm 'cill' at the centre to allow the brass shim skin overlay to fit. There will be a frame placed either side of this central one, to form a seating for the shim. That will hopefully be done on Monday - gardening duties to be done over the weekend - if the weather forecast is right.




Western Thunderer
as mentioned on Heather's thread, I'm starting a new one here for the work that I will be doing to my latest acquisition - another Bachmann 121.



all that I have done so far is remove the last two digits of the running number and substituted the 34 plus putting the 'set' number on the yellow warning panels - both tasks using Fox transfers, the set number being 6 separate numbers:eek:.

My first thoughts on receiving it were that overall the paint job was quite good except for one window opening that had some slight staining from where the very flimsy 'windows' had been re-glued and that it was a good contender for the recently re-furbished and re-introduced 121034 based at Aylesbury. On closer inspection and comparing pictures of the unit 'as running' I find that the following needs doing:

add the 'engine' bits that Bachmann forgot in the first place++
enlarge the 'small yellow panel'
install 'refurbished' window frames
reglaze all of the windows++
horizontal handrails on the ends below the outer windows++
reposition the partitions++
repaint seats to blue
repaint inside - top half white, bottom half blue
change and increase the number of jumper cables++
buffer beam footsteps++
lamp brackets on buffers++
overhead warning flashes
TOPS panels
install Red/White LEDs in running lights++
install 'high intensity' headlights
possibly replace the ZTC 203 chip with a Loksound 4 or Zimo 645 sound chip++

the likelihood of getting anything like a reasonable colour match with the green on the new windowframes I would think is pretty remote, so I then have to decide whether to just renumber the unit to one that had round buffers - the number as received was W55026 and all of the photos that I have seen have that with oval buffers and carry out the items above that are marked ++ or do a complete repaint and all of the items mentioned above
- or as Alexandre Orlov says - 'simples'

New readers start here - your starter for 10...............................




Western Thunderer
Hi Mike

Check out 55026 on this page. The 121s are in number order. The oval buffers fitted to the class on delivery seem to have been replaced by round ones during service.



Western Thunderer
Hi Dave,

many thanks for the heads-up, what I should have said was Green with round buffers.

I am thinking that the total re-spray is on the cards - still thinking about the colour though:(:(:(




Western Thunderer
I've seen photos of 55026 in green in 1966 (oval buffers) and 1980 in blue (round buffers). Haven't managed to track down any photos in my library of books between those dates, sorry.


Western Thunderer
Hi Dave,

many thanks for your assistance, but I think that I am coming down strongly on a re-paint job, we'll see.

