Telford Guildex


Western Thunderer
Hmmm. Difficult one, this, particularly as I should/must be seen as biased with my Finney7 hat on. However, a friend of ancient standing (bloody hell, it's sixty years now - well, 59, but you'll excuse an old man some exaggeration, I'm sure), and I found several years ago that to "do" Telford properly took us more than one day - maybe not two full days, but certainly more than one. He felt the same this year. It is the main event, after all, and most manufacturers strive to be there. Friend and I have spent loadsa money at Telford over the years as he did this year. I probably would have done had the Finney7 stand not been so overrun with well wishers and people who wanted to actually spend money with us.:):D

I accept that I'm in a special position as friend and I with wives make Telford an excuse to get together and the ladies can go and do their thing without husbands wondering when we'll actually get to the pub.

Martin - you certainly don't come over "all SNP", but Telford is pretty well in the centre of England. For in the middle of "the Union", what about Doncaster? (we're there too:)). I guess if you're in Aberdeen that'd still be a bit of a PIA, though. Are there enough regional exhibitions? But if they fail to live up to Bristol they won't do well.

From a practical perspective (and I hope I'm right, or that's another investment down the drain) any exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to meet people, understand their wishes and gripes and to bring kits for collection in a friendly and helpful environment. Without Telford, who would have seen Mick's wonderful development of the B1 etches, or, indeed the W1? (And the other goodies yet to come). On line it ain't the same! We always ask people to probe and prod stuff on the stand and the number of "oh my goodness, I didn't know about that" comments is wonderful.

So, I wish Telford continuing success. I really liked some of the layouts and could have done without a couple (!) but that's down to individual taste. Along with Kettering, Doncaster, Reading (really bad facilities, but well located) and Bristol (really good facilities, very friendly and reasonably well located for the south and west).

With or without Finney7 I actually like Telford. However, as long as there are meeting places where we can compare notes, discuss various layouts and look at the options available we'll continue to build models, I guess.



Western Thunderer
I can't help but think attendance could be bettered if the event were advertised more widely beyond the inward looking streams of the GoG website and newsletter.

There are a lot of new entrants to 7mm who would benefit greatly from the show who aren't members and the event passes many by without realising. Untapped sales and potential GoG members?

There are lots of modelling forums: here, RMweb and other places which are free to use and promote the show. It seems generally though that any threads that are started, start very close to the show date making planning ahead more difficult and are started by modellers not the GoG itself.

Some may say that internet forums are not the place 7mm modellers go. Perhaps true if you're only targeting the older audience, a higher proportion of which are less IT inclined. I do feel though that there are more younger 7mm modellers that do use forums and could be reached. This certainly seems to be the demographic that folk repeatedly say are missing from GoG events.


Western Thunderer
Guildex 2018 is Sat 1 Sept 10.00 - 17.00 and Sun 2 Sept 10.00 - 16.00. With any luck the Dragon's Den, all-you-can-eat Chinese in Shrewsbury, will be ready for us on Saturday night.


Western Thunderer
Some of the traders are just about packed up by 3;30 on the Sun. and these are the small one (why), the big ones starting getting to get there stall down OK.



Western Thunderer
That's an interesting and true observation for any exhibitors at pretty well any discipline of exhibition, from model railways to antiques. The fact is that most exhibitors have been up since the crack of sparrows and want to get home, added to which sales in the last half hour or so dwindle away to next to nothing.

However, you may have noticed that, although we at Finney7 may start to pack kit boxes in to their large transit cases we do not remove anything from the stand in the way of display models or exhibition materials until closure of the exhibition is announced. Much of that is, of course, that our public keep us talking until they are chased out of the doors but it is surely also polite. Right now break down of the stand takes about 30 minutes which is entirely manageable. Whether that will be the case when we have doubled and tripled our range will be another question.:)


Kev T

Western Thunderer
Guilty as charged Ozzy.
Our exhibition layout takes us 2 hours to strip dow, and come Sunday afternoon, the punters are thin on the ground and we are all generally pooped after the weekend. It's surprising how much it takes out of you.
Generally we start to get our boxes ready and by half an hour before the end we'll be taking stock off, such that at the end we'll just run the last 2 trains into the fiddle yard and knock the power off.
Then by the time we've negotiated the scrum of vans and trailers we'll be away by 6ish, and then we've still usually got 2 hours or so before we get back to base, then unload the truck then drop it off at the hire firm. It's a very long day and none of us are getting any younger which is why we've decided to knock it on the head. This November will be the last time Hassell Harbour Bridge will be exhibited.



Western Thunderer
Another question..... is whether anyone is really bothered about the layouts? I had a cursory look at them late on the Sunday while things were winding down,


I hope none of the guys that were exhibiting their layouts get to read the above remark, especially the chaps that brought their layout all the way from Belgium.....

I personally thought there was some very good quality layouts on show, and I'm sure I am not alone judging by the amount of people viewing the said layouts....



Western Thunderer
Couldn't agree more Martyn exhibitions are hard enough work without having to run the layout. I went on the Saturday and was impressed with the number and quality of the layouts. I now have some good ideas of what sort of layout I can fit in the space available

In hindsight Guildex might be the one for me to go to next year over the other shows. Having the traders is good, but the layouts show what the end result can look like. Another for me having is having the traders there that don't go to the other shows in the year

Now have to clear the workbench before I start that MOK 9f that came home with me :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Dear all,

In my original comment I did put the old 'hat and coat' comment in so I was, in a light hearted way, trying to start a conversation about what is Guildex for?

Is it a 2 day version of the one day events such as Doncaster/Kettering (and the events organised by ALSRM) where it is predominatly for 'the trade' with just a couple or so layouts, or an 'O' gauge model railway exhibition to show off the Guild and 'O' gauge modelling with traders (like a conventional model railway exhibition, just single scale)?

Should it be one day event considering many of the comments about the numbers who attended on the Sunday (borne out I beileve by figures released by the Guild subsequently)?

I was not commenting on the quality of the layouts.

Perhaps this is a question for the Guild on that forum rather than here.



Flying Squad
Should it be one day event considering many of the comments about the numbers who attended on the Sunday (borne out I beileve by figures released by the Guild subsequently)?
It's funny but I remember exactly the same comments when I first started going to the Guild AGM in the mid 1980's. I would argue that it should be a 2 day event, and the attendance numbers should not be used to justify a one day event. The Sunday attendance has always been lower and always will be. However it is the Guild's hallmark exhibition and should be something special, making it a full weekend makes it accessible to those that can only make one day.
That said when my Dad was trading at the show the Sundays were often as productive as the Saturday. Saturday's were always frantic but this was always about selling to the members. Sundays were always quieter but this gave him chance to go around the other traders, chat face to face, discuss plans and make deals. In fact many of the deals were struck in the pub on the Saturday night, more than a few traders would be nursing a hangover on the Sunday morning so would probably be grateful for a quiet start to the day!!
Perhaps this is a question for the Guild on that forum rather than here.
Probably true - although be prepared for some flak whatever you post.


Western Thunderer
Should it be one day event considering many of the comments about the numbers who attended on the Sunday (borne out I beileve by figures released by the Guild subsequently)?

one of the things to remember is that the ticket is valid for the two days so ticket sales will be down on the Sunday, as I don't believe that the guild has anyone counting people go in and out (that would be a job and a half going to the car to put this in going to the car to get something).
I used to do it for the Saturday and it was a rush, 4hrs on the train get to the show get about 6hrs a bit to eat then 4hrs getting back home. No I'd rather spend a bit of money on a hotel and not have to rush around.


PS. and then I don't get to see it all.


Western Thunderer
That's because you're in the pub most of the time......

Did not go to the bar in Guildex this year!!!!!!

It was crap. Some sort of American Beer????? and a cider???? Yes we did go for a pint at dinner time (Sat. and Sun.) and IIRC ???? Mr. 3Link was with us on the Sat. Sun.was to watch the F1. and get some nose bag.
