7mm The Colonel's Birmingham Bodges. EMU's & now Mk2 coaches.


OC Blue Brigade
Not that nice 14 nights in Turkey. Fully inclusive. The only downer is there are very few railways near Marmaris.


Western Thunderer
Your not going to that hotel that had the bug last week, are you Ian ?. 80+ people came down with it.:'(

Steve :cool:


OC Blue Brigade
The adventure has started
We have a nodding donkey
2014-08-07 20.44.25_resized.jpg
There's no cushion to stop them hitting the wall
2014-08-07 20.42.29_resized-2.jpg
BEER and we ain't left Blighty yet


OC Blue Brigade
5 days in and not blue diesel in sight . plenty of this 20140814_084811_resized.jpg
And this20140814_084824_resized.jpg
And copious amounts of this20140813_113350_resized.jpg
And then more of this20140812_192852_resized.jpg (including greenery for you green diesel types)
Then more of this20140813_193622_resized.jpg
Then more of this20140813_193622_resized.jpg
Then more of this20140813_193616_resized.jpg
And so on till today. The wife before we left Blighty booked a few trips for us one was to a small island called Cleopatera's island, a taxi to a boat 5 then a short sea crossing, here's what we got a bus filled with with tourists nothing wrong there so we went on the back seat plenty of room, a Russian got on and sat between the wife and I and proceeded to shout down his mobile phone for nearly 40 mins I was not a happy bunny. Then when we got there the boat was packed with more Russians and then proceeded to take 3 hours to travel 1 nautical mile. You only had to get out of your or seat and a bloody Russian knicked it and put their towel on it ( there are now 2 towels floating in the agian sea). It felt like I had been sent to a goulag. Ah well tomorrow's another day.

Colin M

Western Thunderer
Does that cucumber count as two of your five-a-day...?

The pile of toast is impressive!

But as the man in the advert has been saying on TV... 'People at home are still at work... Brag responsibily!'



OC Blue Brigade
Sorry the toast isn't all mine. .
Turk ish engineering at its best
Yes it does go through the 1st floor, what they are going to do when it gets wider well!!!!