As one over-protracted project passes through the paint shop, some new progresses rapidly. First the hopper which now looks like this:
The main livery colour, just for variety, comes from a Railmatch rattlecan (and the contents of the same, sprayed into the lid of a jam jar to get to the corners the nozzle wouldn't reach - I long for somewhere I can actually use an airbrush...).
Not too bad, at this point. The new project has been glimpsed already. It's an early LMS fitted van to (I think) dia. 1663, or maybe 1828 - if anyone happens to have the Essery LMS wagon books to hand, perhaps they could tell me? This features a clasp braked, vac' fitted chassis with vertical planked sides and early pattern corrugated ends, per this grounded example from
@hrmspaul 's collections:
LMS & pre-group covered goods vans VVV ZRV ZQV YVV | LMS_van_body__m_
The body is from Cambrian:
The chassis from
@jjnewitt and is very similar to the Derby type I built to go under the shock open featured in the pages of MRJ (nos 246-7). This example was a little under-etched but that didn't get in the way of what I was trying to do or my enjoyment of the process. Per my usual practise for short wheelbase 4 wheel wagons, I've built the thing rigid which speeds things up a bit and makes the process somewhat less fiddly.
Note the four holes intended for location of the various elements have been opened out to be used as fixing points (for small self-tapping screws).
It's just about ready for the two bits to be fixed, permanently, together. First, however, metal black.