Peterborough Show 20th.& 21st. October


Western Thunderer
Diorama!?! I'll have you know that was a fully functioning layout! :D

There's no real pictures of the current project, as it amounts to two baseboards, with some cork, a templot plan and some sleepers glued to it. I guess there's also the start of landscaping, in as much as I've sprayed some expanding foam on and started trimming it. I'll start a topic on it once I get a bit further and there's something actually worth looking at! Some of the background to it can be found here:

I'm going to do more to it next year though - I have decided that 2013 is the year of finishing unfinished projects (as long as the Mayans are wrong...)

I did think about entering the challenge, but at the glacial pace that I seem to work at these days, I might well have had a layout with nothing to run on! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with though :thumbs: