S7 track construction question


Western Thunderer
Just remember the only and most important dimension when constructing a Turnout is the Check Gauge.

You can more-or-less fudge the other dimensions but not the CG.
I'd also suggest the set in the stock rail against the tip of the point blade, too far forward and your in danger of reducing the gauge.



Western Thunderer
Just wondering why you’re using ply & rivet construction rather than sticking the functional ABS chairs directly to the ply sleepers with Butanone. Is there an advantage I’m missing?

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
To answer your question mainly because I have all the parts in a box so I didn't need to buy any thing more. It also has the advantage as far as I can see that I can fudge the chairs that aren't made by anyone as they are cosmetic rather than functional. If I was working in P4 then C&L do all the chairs down to an A5 so I would probably gone down that route.
I had thought of soldering it down to copper clad with a inside rail and the cobbling over the whole thing to hide the track.