
Old Buffer

Western Thunderer
Most people complain they can't find the time to do much modelling:(, but I'll bet in your case it's "I can't find the space":p;):D
They look good though.


Western Thunderer
Hi Jordan,

at least you know where everything is on the bench.

The locos look good :cool:- it's a pity that there are no British outline locos that you could put the US chassis in - I did a comparison chart some time ago and there wasn't even a close resemblance anywhere!




Western Thunderer
Which just makes me think further about how I'm going to finish the couple of Cotton Belt locos tucked down the back of the workbench
Nice! I've got a real soft spot for all things DRGW/SP and SSW, so will look forward to seeing how you get on with those. I'm so glad that no-one makes an O scale Tunnel Motor, because I don't think I could resist one of those!

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Nice! I've got a real soft spot for all things DRGW/SP and SSW, so will look forward to seeing how you get on with those. I'm so glad that no-one makes an O scale Tunnel Motor, because I don't think I could resist one of those!

I can resist the Tunnel Motors (just) but an 0-gauge ML4000 would have me done for...:eek:



Western Thunderer
Further attempts to subvert the Forum to the True Dark Side.... or comedy modelling that'll have you hooting with derisive laughter....

Whichever; I've been doing a bit of work on my latest locos.. they're blue, which should please some, just not THAT blue...

They're nice - what blue did you use?



Western Thunderer
Hi Jordan

Thats my Gilmaur SW1500 (O scale) started, just built the chassis and as its got the small fuel tank it would have to be the ex SOO units 36 or 37. The PGR locos look much nicer than the SOO ones so I think it'll get a coat of blue. I'll use your suggested paint as it should be available from the local model shop.



Western Thunderer
hi Jordan those blue switchers remind me of the locos used at bsc port talbot awhile back, with the sloping hood design i checked them out on the net to see if they were darkside but turns out they were brush bagnall

i must admitted about ten years ago i got an airfix 4 4 0 general and a pair of tyco old school coaches for a potential project for my son but it was shelved in favour of oo9


Western Thunderer
re dark side switchers in a book i have on the Cardiff railway theres a photo of a row of ten usa 0-4-4-0 whitcomb diesels which had just been unloaded off a ship in the docks back in 1943. i wonder where they ended up . Uncle Sam was well ahead of Blighty in the diesel traction game

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
The Whitcombe diesels ended up in Europe after D-Day. During WW2 the UK was used as a transhipment base for the build up of locomotives and rolling stock required for the D-Day landings. Some locos and bogie oil tank cars were loaned to the SR, LNER, LMSR and GWR before they were required for D-Day. A good history of all steam and diesel loomotives can be found in R Tourret's book Allied Locomotives of the Second World War.