4mm 3D printed track


Western Thunderer
The latest news on the Templot Forum is the forth coming 3D printed COT (chairs on timbers) track


Image taken by and property of Martin Wynne

Not available yet, and you will need a decent (not expensive) filament printer

This is still in a developmental stage, but a year after the introduction of the ground breaking 7mm scale (easy build) COT track, 4mm scale track is following it much sooner than anticipated

Too early to give many details but to wet your appetite, in 7mm scale a turnout base with chairs costs about £2 to print. and the components to build a turnout whether its to a standard design or bespoke design costs under £10 and is easy to build. 4mm scale due to size and cost of rail will be a lot cheaper,

Its just as easy to print and build in P4 or EM gauges as 00. Turnouts only available at the moment, crossings will follow in due time


Western Thunderer
The latest news on the Templot Forum is the forth coming 3D printed COT (chairs on timbers) track

Not available yet, and you will need a decent (not expensive) filament printer

Thanks John.

COT track in 4mm/ft scale is definitely pushing at the boundaries of FDM (filament) printing. The ONLY printer which I can offer any assurance will work for this, and for which I will be providing settings, is the Elegoo Neptune 4:

ELEGOO Neptune 4 FDM 3D Printer

(I have no connection with Elegoo)

Other FDM printers may or may not work. It is important that the filament (PLA-Plus) is dry and has been stored in warm dry conditions.

FDM chairs in 4mm/ft scale cannot match resin-printed or injection-moulded chairs for detail. But when painted they look acceptable from normal viewing distance. The great advantage of printing your own is that you can have any size turnout on any radius in any gauge. At very low material cost, and no gauges needed. With the FDM printer you can also print rail filing jigs from Templot which make assembly easy.

Using the same settings, 4mm/ft FDM chairs can also be printed as plug-ins for use with plug track instead of resin chairs. Plug-in rather than COT slide-in rail makes it easier to create complex bespoke formations.

For more information, see on the Templot Club forum.


Rob R

Western Thunderer
What size nozzle are you using on your Neptune 4?

My Neptune 4 pro with a 0.4mm nozzle with normal PLA is just about right for my S scale (5ft 3in gauge code 75 flat bottom) track.
The fixings are delicate individually but are suprisingly robust once the rail is threaded in.
I look foward to having a go at your 4mm track.