Steph Dale
Western Thunderer
I really do wish I'd bought that MMP one I was offered a year or two back. I've been kicking myself pretty much ever since...!
Looks nice but I hate saying this, but your side frames are too wide, they should not line up with the side of the buffer beam, they are inset by roughly 1.8mm You might need the extra width for wheel side play in S7 for 60" curves but I doubt you'll need it in FS for 72" curves
I'll have a look at the construction when I go round the frames.
However if you don't do that, then I beg of you, please please please at least remove the casting flash from the top of the bogie side frames.
Not casting flash Mick, it represents the underside of the body structure. When I first saw it, I thought the builder had chosen to solder it to the chassis rather than the body to allow for bogie swing. When I stripped it, I realised that DJH had designed it that way!
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I really do wish I'd bought that MMP one I was offered a year or two back. I've been kicking myself pretty much ever since...!
Relax - you'll have a chance to get our new one before too long [can also be read as when I get around to finishing it] - no firm date yet before I get asked by anyone. Provisional spec. on our web site.
Hi Richard
Since you have the DJH, MMP and JLTRT 40s, would you care to say which you think is the best model? Being primarily a steam enthusiast, they all look pretty impressive to me.
Keep the constructive comments coming. I may not be able to act on them, but I shall certainly consider them.
Not casting flash Mick, it represents the underside of the body structure. When I first saw it, I thought the builder had chosen to solder it to the chassis rather than the body to allow for bogie swing. When I stripped it, I realised that DJH had designed it that way!
The MMP one also suffers (although some may enjoy it) from requiring a very high degree of skill to make a good model, I found the roof particularly difficult and looking at other peoples model they did too.
Everything will be pre-formed in the new kit with simplified clip in lourve panels on the roof - just to keep everyone happy.
Hi Tony
I have just the 2 40s; the subjects of this thread. I would not be averse to doing either a JLTRT or MMP one - just for comparative purposes you understand - should one or the other or both come my way.
now that you've reduced the front side frame width you may need to check the rear to make sure it's all square, I think DJH designed it like this as I can see stubs behind the buffers for sprung buffers or fixing bolts, so if the front is designed to be this wide then the rear transverse beam may be a little wide too. With a bogie this long and a parallel body just above to compare with I think any taper on the side frames will be noticeable?Hi Tony
The bogie extensions have gone. There's about 1/2 lb of milled pewter on the floor, so that will lighten the model a bit. Mick will be happier as well I also managed to take the front buffer beam off which made it easier to tidy the front end, but also meant I could sit the sides further in. Not as much as they should be , but better.
I have just the 2 40s; the subjects of this thread. I would not be averse to doing either a JLTRT or MMP one - just for comparative purposes you understand - should one come my way.
That all looks very neat. I like the sanders and some years ago ordered one packet of each type from DJP, some are suitable for steam locos too!
Have you got the sideplay you need in the bogie? Did you need to make any mods?