Full Size Acquired Wagons of British Railways by David Larkin


Western Thunderer
A post in another place (I can’t find it now) asked if more volumes of this series would be published after the Publisher started releasing the first book in Mr Larkin’s follow on series on air braked wagons.
An email to Crecy has brought the good news that Volume 6 is planned to be published this May. That just leaves Vols 7 & 8!
Tim T


Western Thunderer
Any ideas what vol 6 will contain? I have all of them so far and guess it's now a mopping up operation....


Western Thunderer
Tony, as I intend to buy all eight volumes ( if I live long enough for them all to be published :^) ) I didn’t ask that question
Tim T


Western Thunderer
As I reported earlier on RMWeb, Dave has confirmed he has submitted both all volumes of Acquired and all 3 volumes of Air brake to Crecy. As he isn't getting any younger he would also like Crecy to get on with publishing them - but I suspect Crecy understand marketing rather better than Dave.



Western Thunderer
As I reported earlier on RMWeb, Dave has confirmed he has submitted both all volumes of Acquired and all 3 volumes of Air brake to Crecy. As he isn't getting any younger he would also like Crecy to get on with publishing them - but I suspect Crecy understand marketing rather better than Dave.

Personally I would like them to be published sooner rather than later as well.
I suspect, though, that Crecy will spin it out and only publish one volume a year :^(
Tim T


New Member
Can anybody help me obtain a copy of "The Acquired Wagons of British Railways Volume 1"- ISBN 9780860936824 by David Larkin please ?


Western Thunderer
On the basis that a bit of a search of all the usual, and some unusual, sources has come up blank, I wonder if a reprint of Vol 1 might be called for?


Western Thunderer
Volume 6 is now available.
Unfortunately for my wallet it includes several interesting conversions of Warflats for steel coil carrying......