Western Thunderer
Thanks Justin, sad to say that I've built so few open highs over the years that I only noticed this feature very recently. When next we audit the stock boxes we'll have to check accordingly for stragglers.
The other activity just recently has focused on steel covered hoppers from Bachmann, both subject to first pass weathering. The unfitted covhop will be heavily streaked but in relatively good order.

The grain hopper will be somewhat more battered; this follows the prototypes' general appearances; steel grain hoppers always seem to appear somewhat woebegone...

The other activity just recently has focused on steel covered hoppers from Bachmann, both subject to first pass weathering. The unfitted covhop will be heavily streaked but in relatively good order.

The grain hopper will be somewhat more battered; this follows the prototypes' general appearances; steel grain hoppers always seem to appear somewhat woebegone...
