A bit of a post-Christmas break, and a departure from the recent mineral theme. It’s too cold to paint anything so here’s a cheat, a Christmas present. Three Accurascale Coil A (and one from dad’s trio, from the first batch - he skimmed the original wheels down on his, because they had unusual axles: second batch conventional 2mm diameter, 26mm long types so I’ve popped some Gibsons in).
Otherwise, I’ve swapped in the wider brake units (supplied), and stuck the bits that came off in the process back on. The safety loops need to be reinstated, and brake pipes fitted. At that point, I’ll have to think about modifying the hoods…
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Obviously, these aren’t for the Ilchester branch, they simply add to the collection of steel wagons, because I happen to like making them. We probably almost need a second EE type 3 at this rate…