An Introduction


Western Thunderer
Hello all, and please let me introduce myself.
I'm Brian Dale, and I already know some of you through my son, Steph Dale of this parish. He, of course. taught me everything I know.
It was Steph who encouraged me to join this group as he says you are such a fine bunch of chaps and chapesses although as I said to him, if it's a group that'll have me I'm not sure it's the sort of place I want to be. Nevertheless, here I am.
My modelling interests are very catholic as I've always lived close to London and had access to all four regions of BR. My preferences are for the period 1948 - 1968 and all my locos are DCC equipped with sound (I can hear the groans from certaion quarters already, but also the enthusiastic hooray from others). I've been modelling in 7mm for about ten to fifteen years now having grown up with OO, firstly with Trix Twin and then the Hornby/Mainline/Bachmann layout which I built for Steph (actually I built it for me but he used to have a go on it now and again if he was very careful). Personally I don't have a layout for four reasons. Firstly I really like building locos and stock. Secondly I have a very good friend in Herefordshire with a huge 7mm layout on which I have running rights. Thirdly I'm a member of Three Counties MRC at Aston Abbotts so have access to the large track there and fourthly I'm basically too lazy to start.
Despite modelling for such a long time I've only built nine locos as I had a most demanding job and very little time. Now I'm retired I'm gradually liberating the loft insulation which mainly comprises the kits bought over the years. Right now I'm building a DJH 9F for the club and two A3s, one by Finney and the other by DJH.
I'm a member of the 7mm Yahoo group from which I've received many suggestions to help in my modelling, some of them quite polite. I'm far from a highly qualified modeller but have developed skills over the years which have produced some quite nice models.
I note that there is a liking for photos on this group and would like to contribute. At the moment I can't find how to attach photos (is it the "upload a file" below, I wonder?) - as you will have recognised already I have very little knowledge of computicles, apart from throwing them across the room on occasion so will need some assistance there. (It's really annoying that Tippex is so difficult to find nowadays as it's such a useful means of changing things on the screen, isn't it?)
I shall leave you now and go for a quick lie down in a darkened room before starting to read some of the posts on the site and perhaps develop an understanding of what I've let myself in for......


Western Thunderer
Hi Brian,
Welcome to the Mad House.:thumbs:
and don't let the Blue Bregade:headbang: try to convert you to thoes boxes on wheels:eek: .


Western Thunderer
Thank you all for your kind words. I suspect Steph's behaviour will get worse now he knows I'm watching and he's in Bristol while I'm in Bucks - actually near Tring in Herts - so I can't get at him very easily. I'll just give him a slap when I see him in case he's said anything out of order.

No, I'm not in to the Blue stuff but I could certainly join the Shelf Queens, except that nearly all of mine are unstarted and in boxes. Except the Oakville Black 5 (a bit of adjustment needed to allow it to go round corners) and an Adams Radial (radial truck adjustment so it doesn't jump off the track on corners). In fact, if I built a railway in totally straight lines I'd have none of these problems.........100_1648.JPG100_1644.JPG

Anyway, I'm going to try posting a picture to see if I can make it work. Oh yes!! Look up there. It does!

These are a Maunsell 2-coach SR push pull set buiult from RJH kits. Much advice from Steph without which i doubt I'd have finished them. Many parts courtesy of Slaters and quite a lot of stuff scratch built. Windows are my first try at using glass cover slides from Pat Legg. Painted by me last summer using Halfords car body spray paint. There are a lot of issues with these two kits but with persistence they'll build in to nice models.

My latest effort is an LMS 42ft CCT Dia 1870 from an AnD sheet plastic kit. When we get some reasonable weather I'll take a photo but I have to see that, for an absurdly small amount of money for the basic body kit (sold as a basis for scratch building) it has made in to a remarkably good looking vehicle. At the moment unpainted, but then you'll be able to see all the errors and finger marks, won't you?

That's enough of the ramblings of an unsound mind for now. Given time (not very long I fear) you'll be praying for me to shut up.


Western Thunderer
Welcome to the forum Brian:thumbs:.

And now we can make sure Steph behaves himself or Dad will give him a damn good thrashing:))


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Hi Dad,
Welcome to the fun. As you can see they're a friendly bunch round here.

Hi Brian
Welcome to WT :)
Does this mean Steph is going to have to be on his best behaviour now then :D
Bu&&er that...!

Welcome to the forum Brian:thumbs:.

And now we can make sure Steph behaves himself or Dad will give him a damn good thrashing:))


Rob, he's got to catch me first and I've got a roughly 130mile head start.:D
He also only comes up to my knees; so a thrashing is quite out of the question.


Flying Squad
Welcome from the Bath bodging department too.

That's a lovely job that you've made of those coaches, and all in the best possible shade of blue too:p
