7mm Another attempt


Western Thunderer
In 4mm I wouldn’t bother but in 7mm I’d be tempted to go with individual strips. Why not try a test piece? It’s a bit like embossed brick plasticard. Way too deep to represent prototypical mortar course depths but we all use it!

something else I’d look at are bolt fixings. EDM models sell some very cosmetic nice bolt head and washers which I’d look at if I was doing something light railway ish in 7mm…

Bolt heads

Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
A very belated thanks to the advice given above. I would have thought the corrugated sheets would have been metal and as the building is quite small I think one sheet length should cover the slope.
I will have a go soon!
Much appreciated


Western Thunderer
I think it was me, with the rolling mill, as a result of a chat with Ian @ICH60

I 3DP'd a pair of rollers, which Ian then used, but when we went for the Mkll he tried 3DPing the sheet itself at 10 thou, and that worked.


If it had not, I was going to make some press tools in 3DP, I think beer can material (0.11mm / 4.3 thou) is ideal.

The trick will be to make the press tools so that they only press the middle couple of corrugations on the first tool, then progressively work outwards - not sure how many tools will be needed, but I think pressing more than a couple of corrugations on each step will drag the material too much. I think a typical sheet could be pressed in maybe 3 or 4 hits.

I'll get round to trying it one day...


Western Thunderer
The downsides with any thing, corrugated material are that you can crush the corrugations when cutting to size and the MK1 large thumb can too easily flatten the corrugations during construction or after completion.

I much prefer a corrugated material with a solid, flat rear face for these reasons.


Western Thunderer
The downsides with any thing, corrugated material are that you can crush the corrugations when cutting to size and the MK1 large thumb can too easily flatten the corrugations during construction or after completion.

I much prefer a corrugated material with a solid, flat rear face for these reasons.
In which case, 3DP is an easy solution.

but beer can is free, so…