Steve C
Hi everyone,
just a quick 'hello' to introduce myself to all you good folk on here.
Like others I've gravitated from a certain well known forum after suddenly thinking 'where have all the interesting folk gone?' and thanks to a certain Yorkshireman with a mountainous moniker (ooh err!) I've landed on these here shores.
My interests lie in EM gauge transitional era stuff of a North West persuasion so I don't strictly match the Western theme. However in my defence I did holiday at Dawlish Warren in the 1970s so can remember all of the pretty diesels having names with 'Western' prefixes (Western Bulwark always springs to mind) whilst I also found myself living in Weston-super-Mud for 12 years.
The idea for a layout has been mooted for many a year but in between I've been busy (although not of late) building up some of what's needed. I'm hoping that a new start and the guidance of some of you good people will help me to get back the enjoyment that has been missing lately.
I can't pretend that my efforts are the best but I'm not one for sitting around bemoaning the lack of RTR stuff - if I can I'll adapt what's available but I'll have a crack at scratchbuilding when it's not.
Hopefully time spent with people who are modellers will give me a prod to be equally as productive whilst hopefully in return I'll be able to provide help, however meagre, where I can.
Steve Carter
just a quick 'hello' to introduce myself to all you good folk on here.
Like others I've gravitated from a certain well known forum after suddenly thinking 'where have all the interesting folk gone?' and thanks to a certain Yorkshireman with a mountainous moniker (ooh err!) I've landed on these here shores.
My interests lie in EM gauge transitional era stuff of a North West persuasion so I don't strictly match the Western theme. However in my defence I did holiday at Dawlish Warren in the 1970s so can remember all of the pretty diesels having names with 'Western' prefixes (Western Bulwark always springs to mind) whilst I also found myself living in Weston-super-Mud for 12 years.
The idea for a layout has been mooted for many a year but in between I've been busy (although not of late) building up some of what's needed. I'm hoping that a new start and the guidance of some of you good people will help me to get back the enjoyment that has been missing lately.
I can't pretend that my efforts are the best but I'm not one for sitting around bemoaning the lack of RTR stuff - if I can I'll adapt what's available but I'll have a crack at scratchbuilding when it's not.
Hopefully time spent with people who are modellers will give me a prod to be equally as productive whilst hopefully in return I'll be able to provide help, however meagre, where I can.
Steve Carter