Another defector...


Steve C

Hi everyone,

just a quick 'hello' to introduce myself to all you good folk on here.

Like others I've gravitated from a certain well known forum after suddenly thinking 'where have all the interesting folk gone?' and thanks to a certain Yorkshireman with a mountainous moniker (ooh err!) I've landed on these here shores.

My interests lie in EM gauge transitional era stuff of a North West persuasion so I don't strictly match the Western theme. However in my defence I did holiday at Dawlish Warren in the 1970s so can remember all of the pretty diesels having names with 'Western' prefixes (Western Bulwark always springs to mind) whilst I also found myself living in Weston-super-Mud for 12 years.

The idea for a layout has been mooted for many a year but in between I've been busy (although not of late) building up some of what's needed. I'm hoping that a new start and the guidance of some of you good people will help me to get back the enjoyment that has been missing lately.

I can't pretend that my efforts are the best but I'm not one for sitting around bemoaning the lack of RTR stuff - if I can I'll adapt what's available but I'll have a crack at scratchbuilding when it's not.

Hopefully time spent with people who are modellers will give me a prod to be equally as productive whilst hopefully in return I'll be able to provide help, however meagre, where I can.

Steve Carter


OC Blue Brigade
Hello and welcome. I will say it before any-one else does loads of photo's and explanations is what we want sir, looooaaaaaads of photo's

Steve C

"Another Defector.." ??

We'll have no defecation around here, thankyou very much indeed.....

I may be from the North but I'm house trained..

Thanks to everyone for the welcome, all I have to do now is step up to the mark! To show some sort of evidence that I do model then here's one I made (and more importantly finished) earlier:
GCR Signal Box.jpg
It's my intention to delve into my pile (stop sniggering at the back!) of half started (or half finished if you prefer) projects and select one to finish for your inspection but first a trip to Manchester beckons and so I will bid farewell
until later....