Another MOK 8F in S7


Western Thunderer
Hi Everyone

I thought you may be interested in my current project. Its still a 'work in progress' but its getting close to being finished. I hoping that I may be able to give it its first trial run at the Bristol show. Always a bit traumatic when others are watching especially if it doesn't perform as hoped!

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I've used individually sprung hornblocks on both the loco and tender. The loco ones are from SDMP. Both loco and tender have insulated axleboxes and split axles. Motor and gearbox are ABC with Maxon motor. Although not fitted yet, I intend to install a Zimo MX645 with an additional function decoder MX686. More about this later if I can work out how to get them working together!



Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I've used individually sprung hornblocks on both the loco and tender. The loco ones are from SDMP. Both loco and tender have insulated axleboxes and split axles.

Ooo, blimey. You'd better tell me when you're going for your test run, so I can make sure I'm not on the premises... :confused:



Western Thunderer

Why do you need 2 decoders when a Zimo MX645 has about 10 functions all of its own ?


Hi Richard

It’s not the number of functions I’m after, it’s the current carrying capacity. I’ll be putting in a servo for forward/reverse and at least two (possibly three) smoke generators. The smoke generators get their power direct from the track and are energised via zero cross over relays. I tried a similar set up in my recently completed std4 tank but the MX645 only lasted about an hour before it gave up. I still don’t really understand why it didn’t last and I have been in contact with Zimo about it. I suspect the issue may well be the servo rather than anything else.

At the time, I thought the capacity of the function was in addition to the motor load. I now know that’s not the case and it’s the two combined so the MX645 only handles 1.2 amps in total.

Ooo, blimey. You'd better tell me when you're going for your test run, so I can make sure I'm not on the premises... :confused:


Hi Steph

Does that mean your product comes with a warranty? I’m sure if it doesn’t perform well that it’ll be down to my ineptitude rather than your hornblocks!




Western Thunderer
Hi Warren

That would be great. Thank you. I'll do my best not to drop it this time!!!!!




Western Thunderer
Hi Ian

It came with the MOK kit. I actually bought two. The one I'm building now, was purchased about nine months ago. That one came with a whitemetal door. When I read that Dave Sharpe might not produce any more, I bought another one at Telford. That came with the LWC door. I couldn't resist using that one instead of the whitemetal one. I keep meaning to phone him to see if he can get any more. The whitemetal one is perfectly okay though.




Western Thunderer
Just checked my fairly recent 8F kit & the smokebox door is missing altogether.

I will speak to Dave in the morning & at the same time enquire about alternative smoke box door.

Will report back as soon as I have an answer.



Western Thunderer
Hi Steve,

Thanks for that. I'll have to check my kit again. First one (1999), had the whitemetal smokebox front casting of course.



Western Thunderer
Just got back from Bristol. You might be interested to know my 8F performed reasonably well on the West Country Group’s test tack. As most of you will know the track is ’just’ an oval with no points but it was still nice to see it going around rather than just up and down on my 6’ test track. The only problem encountered was that the pony truck was catching one of the front steps as it went around one of the curves. A quick fix was to bend the offending step out a bit after which it was fine. I think I can increase the side play in the leading two axles which might help a bit but I think it really wants a spring to provide a bit of side control to help ‘steer’ it though the curves but then it’ll have to carry a bit more weight as well.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Thank you West County Group for taking your track to Bristol. It was also good to meet a couple of WT’s there. Always nice to put a face to a name.




Western Thunderer
Yes, good to meet you as well Cliff. Warrens done a great job on the std4. No one will ever know I dropped it!


Western Thunderer
Just got back from Bristol. You might be interested to know my 8F performed reasonably well on the West Country Group’s test tack. As most of you will know the track is ’just’ an oval with no points but it was still nice to see it going around rather than just up and down on my 6’ test track. The only problem encountered was that the pony truck was catching one of the front steps as it went around one of the curves. A quick fix was to bend the offending step out a bit after which it was fine. I think I can increase the side play in the leading two axles which might help a bit but I think it really wants a spring to provide a bit of side control to help ‘steer’ it though the curves but then it’ll have to carry a bit more weight as well.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Thank you West County Group for taking your track to Bristol. It was also good to meet a couple of WT’s there. Always nice to put a face to a name.


Very impressed with the 8F despite the minor hitches on its first track run, smoke and steam the best I've seen. It was a shame about the sound card which, together with the smoke, will be a very impressive engine.



Western Thunderer
Hi Ken

Thank you for your comments. It turned out that the sound had been muted by F19! No idea how that happened because I've never used that facility. Still, I'll know for next time. Looking forward to Telford already, so I can have another play.




Western Thunderer
I don't like those pony wheels. I've got a set myself now too and the rims are too thin, which makes the spokes over-long.



Western Thunderer
Just checked my fairly recent 8F kit & the smokebox door is missing altogether.

I will speak to Dave in the morning & at the same time enquire about alternative smoke box door.

Will report back as soon as I have an answer.


I brought 4 8f kits from him and 3 out of the 4 had the smokebox doors missing... Dave soon sent the replacements though.