Another Southern man sneaks in...

Graham Muz

Active Member
I thought it was about time that I formally said hello, so hello!

I joined a little while ago now, following a recommendation, and have seen a number of friends and acquaintances are already here.
I trust that you will not mind that I am Southern Railway (1946 to 1949) modeller at heart, although some GWR items do appear on my layout Fisherton Sarum from time to time as it is based on Salisbury.


Western Thunderer
Hi Graham

Hope you've recovered - I was looking forward to a chat at Basingstoke :).

Welcome, not much more room here at the back but we can squeeze you in.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
If we're not careful, there'll be more of us here at the back than those at the front. :D
I did once ask an Uni Professor what he would do if all of the class sat in the back row... his reply was that:-

1/ he would get better glasses to see the culprits;
2/ he would write in larger script on the board so that the culprits had no excuses;
3/ he would get a bigger board rubber so that he had a good chance of connecting with those who might be culprits.

regards, Graham


Western Thunderer
If we're not careful, there'll be more of us here at the back than those at the front. :D

What's worrying me Heather is that while we're not looking the Flying Squad will turn the whole thing round and we'll end up at the front and I might actually have to finish something! :eek:


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Graham, from Graham...

This forum has yet to come to terms with at least three members who are called Adrian... and one of those uses "Adrian" as his username, how inconsiderate. So maybe you and I need to decide about signing posts etc.. - how about you put "Graham" and I put "Graham"? With any luck you could get blamed for some of the rubbish which I have been posting for the last few years... especially if you know anything about Heisenberg, Schrodinger's Cat and other such Children's Nonsense Stories to be found in the bookshelves at the back of the class.

No books there? Rats, Sid Snot has borrowed the time machine from The Ward of Basilica Without and paid a visit, probably taken all of the good stuff back to the pub at the top of Sepulchre Street.

regards, Graham


Flying Squad
Graham, from Graham...
- how about you put "Graham" and I put "Graham"? With any luck you could get blamed for some of the rubbish which I have been posting for the last few years...

I seriously doubt that there'd be any confusion, your inimitable style is quite recognisable without any signature at all.;)

Adrian. :cool:

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Oh hang on, Barking is in the South as well isn't it...?
Most of them are.... although there is one somewhere north of the GER line from Chelmsford to Norwich... somewhere, not obvious on the 50,000 OS even though included in the on-line gazetter.
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