Bachmann Brassworks 7mm shunters


Western Thunderer
Has anyone carried out any DCC fitting to Bachmann Brassworks shunters? I have some in the workshop which have been fitted with 00 chips and are very poor runners. Not sure if it's underpowered chips, or a poorly performing chassis.


Western Thunderer
I've done an 03 & an 08 - mates have done 04's - all run OK.
Need to make sure it runs well on DC first & you may need to adjust some CV settings on the Decoder.
What decoders are you using?


Western Thunderer
Hiya thanks. Yes, I generally check dc running first, but these were installed by a bit of a banana so I have the unbeloved task of sorting the mess out. The chips are ESU V4's. After a few helpful comments my money is now on issues with the chassis rather than the chips.




Western Thunderer
My 03 runs the 00 chip as I couldn't get it to draw more than 0.5A... I also rewired from the pickups and installed an 8 pin decoder socket to make life easier. My one does seem to be a very smooth running example so perhaps I have been lucky in that respect...


Western Thunderer
Hi all. Happy to report she's now running like a dream. Lightly oiled the drivetrain, and lots of fiddling with the speed curve and back emf settings have produced a silky smooth runner.


Western Thunderer

Just noticed your post.

I have a Brassworks 08 with a Zimo sound chip sold as a 'oo' chip. The loco pulls no more thn about 0.5A so is well within the range of the chips (Zimo are built like the proverbial 'brick nettie' anyway) and works nice and smoothly ... the 'stay alive' capacitor certinly helps. I also need to give my locos a quick oiling to be ready for Shiildon show and the blue diesels for Spenymoor at the end of October.


Ian G

Western Thunderer
I have an 08 in bits with an MMP detailing kit, body in Railfreight grey full yellow cabs, thinking of a respray to blue.

Ian G