7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Dapol Pannier now renumbered for a Horton Road 85B loco which worked in the Forest of Dean in the last days of steam. May I present 3775. New number plates by Narrow Planet. I've ordered ones for the Minerva pannier it will become 8749 another Horton Road pannier which worked in the Forest in the mid sixties.



Western Thunderer
Dave both locos occur several times in Ben Ashworth's BR Steam in Dean

Spot the difference
. Apart from the telegraph pole coming out of the chimney.



Amazing isn't it what one doesn't see for months suddenly with a couple of photos smacks you in the face. Suddenly realised there was a gap between the smoke box valence and the footplate. It must have occurred several months ago when I had the body off and I'd not re-seated it properly when reattaching the body to the chassis. Now corrected


Western Thunderer
Mojo has been missing a bit lately, but it's slowly coming back thanks to visiting my local model shop, Great Eastern Models. in Norwich. I purchased a Dapol Vanfit, and a Parkside ex PO owners mineral wagon, there were some still around in the Forest in the early sixties, known locally I understand as "ood uns" as apart from the more modern "tinnies". I also had a Parkside plywood WR van to build. The two kits are now built and are awaiting a visit to the paint and weathering shop. The Vanfit will also be weathered at the same time. I'm wondering whether to give a light weathering and keep it number as it is, or to heavily weather it and renumber it to pre 1963 when the number system it has was introduced I gather. Any way some photos of my efforts. The kits still need their couplings.



Western Thunderer
The first bit of painting/weathering done. The chassis' of all three have been given a coat of Lifecolor weathered black whether they were black or grey to begin with. the Parkside van needed a couple of coats as it was grey to start with.. This will be a base for track dirt sleeper grime and brake dust which will be added after the bodies have been painted.



Western Thunderer
Painting progresses and on the two kit built wagons have got to the stage of applying transfer before weathering.

The Dapol Vanfit has had a coat of a Hornby Dark Grey Wash, with the bottle only lightly shaken. It was then taken off with kitchen towel and cotton buds. It will get more detailed weathering particularly on the chassis.



Western Thunderer
There will be more photos of the wagons in a few days. I am happy to say that Blakeney is appearing in the Nov issue of BRM,

as those of you who follow this thread you will notice that things have moved on a bit since the photos were taken. I'm chuffed.

Well done Alan, always a great feeling to get published.

I'll be in a little motorsport magazine next month.
