Modelling time has been in short supply of late, a lack of natural light and tiring hospital visits being the main culprits. I have however managed to plant a little static grass and have made a subtle change to the backscene............
From certain angles the hump in the field looks a little weird, which is probably down to the curved backscene and camera lens, for it looks fine when viewed head on. However it was beginning to annoy me, my eye being drawn to it every time I entered the railway room, so something had to be done about it.
So out came the paints and brushes and this is the result, I also started to build up the surrounding scenery with some static grasses.
I have used a combination of spring and summer green from the 'Greenscene' range, with a touch of their straw fibres for the sun bleached tips. It is still very much a case of work in progress at the moment as the height of the grass is slowly being built up bit by bit.
A few areas are having some Woodland Scenic's coarse turf applied to represent weed infested patches, which will look very different once I have finished if all goes to plan.
I have also been working on the goods shed which now awaits some nuts, bolts and washers on the corrugated sheeting. I am somewhat surprised by the weight of the structure, which is only a combination of foamboard, styrene sheet and basswood. Grass has also been laid along the embankment beside the goods yard, and the stonework on the platform face has also been receiving some attention.
More grass is growing around the combined gents and lamp hut at the far end of the platform as 1455 simmers away on the siding loop.