Western Thunderer
Thank you Michael, if it hadn't been for an article on the AEC railcars in Bylines then that photo might have featured a Class 122 with speed whiskers!Geoff this layout just keeps getting better and better, I see you managed to sneak in another pic from Bylines with that last shot.
Cheers Simon, I wouldn't mind going back to that world, but taking myself there through my modelling is the next best thing, and a welcome escape from the madness of today.Sublime modelling, makes me yearn to go back to that World....
Thanks Rob, the sooner you tumble in the better, guess we will have to keep tempting you until you see the lightUtterly splendid, Geoff.
I'm still teetering on edge of that 7mm abyss and your wonderful modelling does nothing to prevent me tumbling in !!!

This scene measures 18" long by 20" deep, the foliage behind 1455 marks the edge of the baseboard, the gentle hill is painted on the backscene. It might not be much but creating something like this can be ever so satisfying in 7mm scale Rob. You could try your hand at track building, experiment with building construction and scenic work to see if 7mm scale is for you, but I think we already know the answer to that

Hi JoshGeoff,
It's been a while since I checked in on your progress, and wow you have been busy!
I'll certainly have to go back through your thread for some ideas for Eastern Mill. I particularly like the effect you achieved with your grass and also the brickwork finish you've achieved on the lever frame.
Couldn't help thinking how your modelling has come along in leaps and bounds as well. One minute you were working in 4mm scale and now the lovely Eastern Mill is taking shape.

My grass and brickwork is heavily influenced by the wonderful modelling of Gordon Gravett. I have learned ever so much from his many articles and books. If you can't find what you are looking for in my thread then feel free to ask.
In closing just a word of thanks to everyone who has posted comments and likes, all of which are very much appreciated.