I think this is it here, just across the road from the park…cheersThe Bristol show was in the Vitoria Rooms on Queens Road for a few years as i remember, and I recall at least once in and large house in Merchants street Clifton. The local Bristol group my Father and uncle were in had the first showing of Yatton there.
You could well be right it was fifty one years ago...View attachment 129332
It was in the building that that originally stood here, it was used by the BBC for filming at one time. Clifton Merchants Hall.
Well, what the Luftwaffe failed to wipe off the face of Bristol the local burghers seem to have made a jolly good job of putting wrong.
It's the same up and down the country. Post war town planners made a more thorough job of destroying towns and cities in one way or another than the Luftwaffe ever did.
I remember the BBC in Whiteladies Road. They did a really nice line in classic houses at the time. Young Jim will give you chapter and verse.
I left Bristol again in 1990 so i don't know what it's really like now, but when the quickest way from the city center to Horfield north was Hotwells/Bridge valley road/Kellaway ave that's saying something...Bristol is special though. I'm not yet 40 and can remember three and a bit traffic systems through the centre - and two phases of redevelopment which in turn replaced a couple of post-war phases (and the ruination of the character of the harbour) and the wider public transport/through traffic situation is still dire.
I left Bristol again in 1990 so i don't know what it's really like now, but when the quickest way from the city center to Horfield north was Hotwells/Bridge valley road/Kellaway ave that's saying something...
So, what are they going to do with the floating harbour? Turn it in to a car park? (I recognise that it would be building land). I agree - I reckon it's a case of the city councillors knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Anyway, it's a way of dealing with some of the traffic problems - tourists will simply not be bothered to visit - do the authorities not realise that the floating harbour and mud dock are a jewel in the crown?
Steph will probably be along in a minute to give chapter and verse. I only speak as an occasional visitor.