Thanks mate. Have you done anything with those grills I sent you yet?Love the platforms mate
There was a guy, back in my S4 days, that made coach bodies from paper or thin card and coated them with shellac. The beading was also cut from paper and stuck on with more shellac and meths.
Look for a topic by MJT over there - he is building a 4mm, multi-layered, card kit for a GNR carriage and using shellac to protect/prime the card... and as a base for teaking the sides.
Anyway I've found some time to start on my prototype of a GER signal box and that is on my workbench (dining room table) just now.
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Is there a free 7mm BT4 with every kit?
Nice weathering on the 47Projects are slowly getting towards completion in time for Telford (I hope!) Here is a couple of preview pictures of the Westbury Shed inspired modern image diesel shed.
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