Bulleid Class 12

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Well, Yorkshire Dave's got one in HO;

And with grateful thanks to a fellow Thunderer I'm shortly to (finally!) have all the parts to build one in 7mm from an MMP kit, but what about 4mm scale?

I was thinking of using either a Bachmann or Hornby model as a useful way of showing the scale differences between 3.5 and 4mm scale, but it'd have to be in P4. So can anyone give me some guidance as to which of the 4mm models is 'better' (and why) and which is easier to convert to P4?

And yes, I suppose the MOK kit must also be an option...


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
The bits for the 7mm version? Well for the doors you'd need to make a couple of new ones and adjust the body framing and air brake reservoirs etc. The thing that's been holding me up is the wheels, if the aforesaidmentioned Thunderer is willing to supply then I guess we could do a set of the wheels for you, yes. I can only ask...
