Cheltenham Model Railway Exhibition


Flying Squad
Harry, Charlie and I visited Mike Walker and Co's very nice show this morning, I'm a bit ashamed to say that it was the first time I'd ever visited it.

A great little show, Keir Hardy had part of Hornsea there, looks just as good in the flesh as on the web and in magazines, a very nice model of the local Leckhampton Station, Mike Kelly's imaginative Cromer, which he very kindly let Charlie and Harry operate for quite a while and several other good layouts, link here for the show.

Mike, Harry and Charlie set up a sequence.


Charlie driving to Norwich:)), this shot shows how effective this relatively small model is, the signals and route indicators are exquisite (and working).


A superb but crazy On30 layout called "Stow Creek" by Andrew Easterbrook, real water in the creek (over baseboard joints!!), a fiendishly clever but tricky to operate loading derrick, real pollution and DCC sound. The box cab heads out to pick up some flat cars.


This isn't a very good shot, (and you can see the creator wrestling with Derrick in the background:p) but I really liked this loco, the weathering was just right to my eyes and the "1" on the tender was very character-fully hand painted - I could definitely feel myself beginning to come over all "Casey Jones":oops:


A grabbed shot of the very nice Gloucester MRC "Cheltenham South and Leckhampton", a mere mile or so from the hall and sadly long gone - a lovely (OO) model.


Great morning out, thanks to Mike and all his helpers, postscript to follow shortly.



Flying Squad
A big part of my motivation for going was to catch up with Steve Harrod who was demonstrating, building a pair of Fred Phipps NB diesel electrics - very nice indeed. Apart from the inevitable hydraulic nattering I'd taken the brake van to show him and Steve said that Fred is making good progress with patterns for his 1/32 kit of the D600s. He's also helped Kernow with info for their RTR version which bodes well for the 4mm guys.

I bought a few photos from the bookseller, Stuart Blencowe, who had a great selection to choose from. They include this fantastic picture, taken by the late Russell Leitch, which shows "my" 48DS at Robinson's siding alongside the main line at Keynsham in 1964:thumbs:


And this absolute corker, a pin sharp A4 sized print which I think came from the much missed joint OPC/BR venture:


Sadly, I don't think these were around in the diesel era but they were very much associated with the Calne to Chippenham branch and it would make a great subject for a 1/32 model...

So many trains, so little time:))



Western Thunderer
Hi Simon, sounds like you had a good catch-up.:thumbs: Would love to see a D600 running on your garden railway:D:D.

Do you have any plans to have one ??;) Oh and did you say you had one of Fred's Warship kits to build ??.



Flying Squad
Hi Simon, sounds like you had a good catch-up.:thumbs: Would love to see a D600 running on your garden railway:D:D.

Do you have any plans to have one ??;) Oh and did you say you had one of Fred's Warship kits to build ??.


Bit big for me, and anyway I will hopefully get to see what others do with them:thumbs: . Likewise the Warship, I have another D63er to build and that will do me I think, as the bigger locos didn't run on my bit of the Withered Arm.

I find this last a bit strange as I absolutely love the bulbous nosed brutes, but its partly to do with having appropriate stock for them too. Perhaps I will change my mind when I've built more stock and laid more track.

The diesel loco that I would currently most next like to have a model of is probably the Hymek, followed by (horror of horrors) one of the Sulzer "Rats".

My intended loco stud for my garden line consists of two North Britishers, the 03, a Class 122 (or two) and the Ruston on a private siding somewhere in the West Country.

Oh, and a "spam can" - of course:)):)):eek:



Western Thunderer
Mind you a Hymek would be great:D is there a kit for one in 1/32. Oh and a class 25 would be nice pulling half a dozen clayhoods:D.

Ooow look at me spending your money :)) but they would be nice;). Not so sure about the spam can:eek::))



Western Thunderer
Hi Simon,
Just up the road for me so went along on the Saturday. Nice layouts but the star for me was Phil's Cheltenham South & Leckhampton. He's even joined the 3mm society as the club is looking at doing a 3mm scale venture.


Mr Tiger Viking

Western Thunderer
Hi Simon
It was good to see you, Harry & Charlie at the "Local show for local people", your brake van was superb I look forward to seeing you complete and weather it. I will find those images Fred sent me of the D600 and post them for people to see, very impressive as ever.


Western Thunderer
Hi Simon
It was good to see you, Harry & Charlie at the "Local show for local people", your brake van was superb I look forward to seeing you complete and weather it. I will find those images Fred sent me of the D600 and post them for people to see, very impressive as ever.

Hi Steve ( Mr VK ).

Would love to see the pics of D600:D getting excited already at the thought of them:)):thumbs:
