Crane Locomotives

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Thanks for the kind words. Still a little way to go yet, but I feel like I'm on the home stretch now. :)

I know the prototype is not everyone's cup of tea and many folk would probably prefer to see an immaculate looking factory finish Dapol Terrier. But that would look just like a few hundred others. I like to try and personalise my RTR locos where possible.

Already thinking about my next (crane) project. Hmm. ;)


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
I still can't make my mind up whether to number it as an Australian loco or have it numbered as a privately owned UK industrial loco. Maybe a contractor was on holiday in Australia, saw the crane loco, liked what he saw and bought one of the pensioned-off terriers when he returned to the UK to convert accordingly. My model is not 100% accurate and I'm mindful that the prototype appears to have the later brake blocks rather than the earlier wooden ones I've used.


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Stunning is the only thing I can say.


Cheers Marc. Makes all the worn out paint brushes (weathering) and burnt fingers (from soldering) worth the effort. I decided to number it 64 which was the number that the Terrier named 'Kemptown' had before it was withdrawn from service. I simply rescued it from the scrapheap and reconfigured it into a crane loco. :)


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I have enjoyed following your progress with this as I have similar aspirations. I recently bought a Gladiator short jibbed crane kit with a view to converting either a J79 or Y7 into a J78 (NER Class H1) Crane loco. I will post up progress when I get that far.

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
I have enjoyed following your progress with this as I have similar aspirations. I recently bought a Gladiator short jibbed crane kit with a view to converting either a J79 or Y7 into a J78 (NER Class H1) Crane loco. I will post up progress when I get that far.
Hi Rob

Looking forward to your updates.


Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Mostly etched 18thou NS but the boiler/firebox/smokebox are cast resin. it was designed before I discovered S7 so it has a rigid chassis. I currently working on NER 407, H2 with extended tanks, so I have the full set of small NER tank locos. Its listed on our loco page on the website.



For anyone else interested in the North Eastern Railway Class H1 the early version of of the crane tank looked like this, with a weather board rather than a cut down cab. The North Eastern Railway Association has a copy of the General Arrangement Drawing, just the thing for adding all those extra details.


Class H1.jpg

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
The kit has both as I had indented to build both. It was developed from the GAs held at the NRM. I should get round to building a second one.


Western Thunderer
Hi Marc,

For the uninitiated, where is 'our kit' available from?

I have been following this thread and would love s loco crane is build to S7.


Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Sorry! I should have posted the link with the photo. My hobby is S7 but the business is 7mm and 1/32 kits and ready to run with the odd bit of 4mm thrown into the pot.


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Thanks Allen.

I had a bit of time off from railway modelling as redecorating took precedence. Now back in the groove again. :cool: Your comments help make it all worthwhile. :thumbs: I'll have to think up some more jokes when I post again.
