Culham - EM gauge 1947

Hello everyone

Following a few years of researching the original and building up a stock of locomotives, coaches and buildings, I thought I would take the plunge and open a thread for my attempt at Culham station on the Oxford to Didcot line, choosing 1947 as the year to model for no other reason than I had a few photos to hand of this era and I did want to model a real location and it had to be GWR, of course. The layout is to be built to 4mm EM gauge standards.

I know Pendon have used many of the actual buildings for their stupendous Pendon Parva station on the Vale of their White Horse model but, the station building being such a lovely style, I fell into the trap quite easily of choosing Culham! I show below the wonderful model of the main station, excellently built by Richard Ellis of Monks Gate Models. I will have to change the windows now that I have obtained further reference photos since the model was built but I am very pleased with the centre piece of what will be my model.

Templot has been used to design the trackwork and I now await baseboards to be built to accompany the trackwork. The layout is to be permanently located in my standard garage measuring 18 ft x 7.5 ft - a bit tight on width but I will have to make it squeeze in somehow.

I will post further photos of buildings, locos and coaches in due course, over what will be a lifetime journey for me.

Culham building. platform side.jpg


Active Member
Hi Pete

One of my favourite station buildings and yours is great! I like it so much that I'm in the middle of building an adaption of the timber tracks kit. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff!

Hi Will

Thank you. It is such a beautiful building - one of Brunel's finest attempts I would go as far as to say. Good luck with the timbertracks kit. I have bought their down building for Culham.

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