Dry print or transfers?


Western Thunderer
I`ve not knowingly seen re-lettered models but am considering such for my Swiss layout. Is it possible these days to re-letter without there being any visible evidence of carrier film or whatever around the new artwork?


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I've renumbered ÖBB locos in the past and used Edding dry transfer lettering as it was available in Helvetica typeface/font.

I've just checked and Edding and Letraset dry transfers are still available. You would need either 1 or 2 mm Helvetica medium for SBB. Assuming HO scale.

Phil O

Western Thunderer
Waterslide transfers work best on a gloss surface, once fixed and dried, a coat of varnish of your choice to seal them. I use Johnson's clear as the gloss varnish. This is no longer available under that name, but I believe it has another name now.

Stephen Freeman

Western Thunderer
I am just starting to use DIY Waterslide Decal sheet for signal arms, seems to work very well, though you do have to spray the sheet to waterproof the ink (printed on an inkjet printer). How much carrier is really up to you, though in my case it isn't a worry as I just trim to the edge of the arms. In the case of the GWR arms, this is just an experiment and will need a little adjustment to get a proper fit.
