EM Gauge 70s - January Update


Western Thunderer
Excellent as always! Please could you confirm the supplier for the embossed brick plasticard used on the Kentside platform shelter? Many thanks.

Grahame Hedges

Western Thunderer
Always interesting, delightful, and top class. It's modelling of the highest order that makes the monthly updates eagerly anticipated. I just wish it could be more frequent.

David Mylchreest

Western Thunderer
Back in the mid-noughties when returning to railway modeling, I converted a Bachmann 108 dmu to P4 using the advice in the site, but I can no longer find the pages. Do they still exist please.

Kier Hardy

Western Thunderer
Back in the mid-noughties when returning to railway modeling, I converted a Bachmann 108 dmu to P4 using the advice in the site, but I can no longer find the pages. Do they still exist please.
The page you're referring to was deleted many years ago due to a couple of reasons - firstly the images were of such poor quality, and secondly our recent conversions utilise the existing manufacturer's wheels with reprofiled flanges. However, I have managed to locate the images (which may be of use to others who wish to replace the wheels and electrical pick-ups). Images uploaded to the following page.

EM Gauge Layouts, Models & Projects

Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
I forgot to mention the link to the Danish Railway photos, very nice, but then I have a soft spot for that little country!! Yes another distraction!!
Thank you