EM Gauge 70s - October Update

Kier Hardy

Western Thunderer
Thank you all for the interest shown in the website. As well as a record of what we've been up to, it does highlight certain detail aspects when photographing our models, and things we'd not normally see with the naked eye.

The other thing I've noticed lately is the detail that some strive to obtain, yet is missed by someone else, who sees different parts of a model which require some sort of customising. Case in point is being reminded that there are no hinges on the nose grills on my Peaks. Some say the curvature of the nose is wrong anyhow, but to me the Bachmann Peak captures the real thing. On the other hand, to see a Warship detailed up, and for the middle stump to be missing on the nose end handrails is a glaring omission to me. Just goes to show what a diverse hobby this is, and I haven't even touched on the differing scales!

All the best, Kier


Western Thunderer
Hi Kier,

I haven't been on here for over a week, but it's the beginning of the month, so it's update time

Steve :cool: