Scattergun EM Whimsy, a coach you may call Annie (or Clarabelle, if you really want).


Western Thunderer
[Assumes the voice of Ringo Starr] Thomas had been a very useful engine. He had six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler and a short stumpy dome. After many years he was worn out and placed at the back of the shed. But the railway was busy and so the Fat Controller sent him to Crewe for a rebuild…

And here our story resumes. Although brought up on Awdry’s work, I never much cared for the Hornby versions, being raised on Finescale, sensible speeds* and the small matter of things like brakegear. Now, with a resident small person and a full spares box and, more to the point the chassis from one of Bob Alderman’s early EM locos, a Jinty, knocking around, the time has come to make a model Thomas which, in my world at least, will be a ‘proper’ loco that just happens to have a face. I’m not sure Thomas knows what’s about to hit him so nervous readers should look away now.

I kid myself that this is really for Gwilym, but mostly, Thomas is here to appease my desire for a bit of whimsy and so here are the raw ingredients:

  • An old Hornby body

A few assorted bits from the spares box:
  • Wheels
  • Frames (Gibson, I think)
  • Spare Fowler chimney (Brassmasters)
  • Caley buffers from LMS
  • Safety valves (shown in the books, missed by Hornby)
  • Some etched steps (Mainly Trains, probably)
  • Brake shoes (again, Mainly Trains)

As a concession to appearances, I’ve bought some nice new rods from LMS, too. The question is how far should I go and how seriously should I take this. Right now, I have no idea. It’ll be EM, of course.


*NB – Yeovil MRG already has an EM Thomas, but that’s clockwork, extremely fast, and once scandalised Mike Sharman. This one will serve for my amusement.


Western Thunderer
Methinks you should go all the way with this one Adam! As another brought up with the Awdry characters, I will follow this with a great deal of interest.

Thanks Peter - I really am planning on leaving the face, but a repaint is in the offing so all bets are off otherwise. Lots of pipework, lamp irons, handrails. I ought to weather it too. Next, adventures with a razor saw...



Western Thunderer


Western Thunderer
Thanks Peter - I really am planning on leaving the face, but a repaint is in the offing so all bets are off otherwise. Lots of pipework, lamp irons, handrails. I ought to weather it too. Next, adventures with a razor saw...

Does that mean Thomas is a dirty , dirty boy ?:rolleyes:
Cheers Paul


Western Thunderer
This box has emerged again (I did find the things I was looking for too, honest!). And so we start again...

I couldn't live with the face. Sorry. So that's gone, the erecting shop foreman couldn't lay hands on something suitable for something as esoteric as this so had his colleagues on the Southern send something up. Knowing no better he contacted Eastleigh and not Brighton: the bemused stores clerk, a Mr Finney, raised his eyes heavenwards and sent him one of Mr Drummond's doors and hoped for the best.


The foreman was less happy with the splashers. "What the blazes are they for?" He said. "Those wheels don't reach the footplate." And so a they were cut off and a proper smokebox saddle has been added: Thomas seems to have been stuck between being an E2 and a Jinty for his whole existence so rather than Billinton's elegant stylings 'Crewe' has concocted something straight up and down. Gone too are his undernourished buffers and something from the Caley substituted - with some wooden packers - the foreman muttering something about the management over in Sodor knowing nothing about passenger engines: apparently they're quite happy with the Stanier 3MT tank they've been sent in Thomas's place and Barrow's COBOs so the foreman might be right.

On happier ground, the erecting shop procured one of Mr Fowler's chimneys and some new (to Sodor, anyway) safety valves and all agree that they serve well enough. They're none the wiser about the foreign plumbing, but they have worked out where those daft sods down south put the vacuum ejector and are bending up some suitable pipe as we speak.


And so, muttering imprecations in the general direction of the Fat Controller, they knocked off for the weekend hoping Thomas looks better on Monday morning.



Western Thunderer
Nice work Adam, are you aware of the work of Tom Foster over on RMWeb? He studies the Rev. Awdry’s work in depth,
To also produce stunning models as you do.
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Western Thunderer
Nice work Adam, are you aware of the work of Tom Foster over on RMWeb? He studies the Rev. Awdry’s work in depth,
To also produce stunning models as you do.

Yes, I’ve seen Tom’s work (and his weathering, in particular, is brilliant). He’s more invested in the ‘Awdry-ology’ of it all than I am and he’s not alone in that. I’m just after a plausible-looking (from a railway point of view) loco that’s a bit like Thomas. I have thoughts on the cab, for instance…



Western Thunderer
Yes, I’ve seen Tom’s work (and his weathering, in particular, is brilliant). He’s more invested in the ‘Awdry-ology’ of it all than I am and he’s not alone in that. I’m just after a plausible-looking (from a railway point of view) loco that’s a bit like Thomas. I have thoughts on the cab, for instance…

Like it Adam I like what you’re heading for. Definitely no faces! Interesting subject.
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Western Thunderer
Do we need a section titled HISTORICAL MODELS? :D
(Ref. the film Galaxy Quest).
Historical Documents.jpg

I'm sure some youngsters are going to grow up very confused - after a trip to the Swindon & Criklade Railway they are likely to conclude the story books about IVOR and SODOR are in fact historical documents !
Thomas.jpg IVOR.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Reverend Awdry’s original story’s were mostly based on real railway happenings or practice. I am not so sure about the more recent tales though!



Western Thunderer
Well GORDON is real I've seen him at Highley so I always assumed THOMAS and the test of his friends are real :) Is it possible I could be wrong?:(


I've even travelled behind him, back in the day. Handsome thing.

Reverend Awdry’s original story’s were mostly based on real railway happenings or practice. I am not so sure about the more recent tales though!


They were - and the sound I hear with the more recent examples are the Revd rotating at significant speed...
