Greetings from Indonesia!


New Member
Hi, my name is Tjeng Chiao, TC for short.

I live in Bandung Indonesia. I have always been interested in trains ever since I can remember. I'd love to learn how to scratch built, as there are no proprietary Indonesian railways models being offered. I have tried a bit of bashing and building, still very crude and simple. My main interests: model suspension and mechanisms. I do own a small lathe and a small milling machine, however I am still struggling on using these. I hope to learn from all the members here, pleased to be accepted as member (which means I can view the pics better now! ^_^).


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Welcome TC! :)

The cardinal rule here is plenty of piccies. They say a picture says a thousand words, and on this forum it seems to be true.


Western Thunderer
Hi TC,

welcome to the best railway modelling forum around, as has already been said, lots and lots of pictures are more than welcome.




Western Thunderer
Selamat datang.

The best thing is just to have a go. Start with something fairly simple and if it doesn't work ask questions and try again.


OC Blue Brigade
WT is going truly international now welcome my friend just ask and someone (normally the ones at the front of the class ) will answer, loads of pictures and explanations so the ones at the back of the class can understand.