Hi, my name is Tjeng Chiao, TC for short.
I live in Bandung Indonesia. I have always been interested in trains ever since I can remember. I'd love to learn how to scratch built, as there are no proprietary Indonesian railways models being offered. I have tried a bit of bashing and building, still very crude and simple. My main interests: model suspension and mechanisms. I do own a small lathe and a small milling machine, however I am still struggling on using these. I hope to learn from all the members here, pleased to be accepted as member (which means I can view the pics better now! ^_^).
I live in Bandung Indonesia. I have always been interested in trains ever since I can remember. I'd love to learn how to scratch built, as there are no proprietary Indonesian railways models being offered. I have tried a bit of bashing and building, still very crude and simple. My main interests: model suspension and mechanisms. I do own a small lathe and a small milling machine, however I am still struggling on using these. I hope to learn from all the members here, pleased to be accepted as member (which means I can view the pics better now! ^_^).