Guildex 2013

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
... Mike usual time, usual place...
In case any intended visitor has not seen the programme yet, there are two test tracks this year. There is a 32mm test track and there is a 33mm test track - are we faced with a partisan split in the WTer-ship such that those who are S7 devotees congregate around the S7 test track and all of the other WTers meet at the 32mm test track?

Or like all good pub crawls do we start at "A" and move to "B" after drinking a swift orange juice?

regards, Graham


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Getting very excited, going Friday so we'll be arriving nice and fresh Saturday morning..
"We'll" being myself Phill and Rob..

Ross. .


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Oh dear the allegro is broken, clutch went this week.. been leaking through the oil seal for a bit but its gone altogether now..


OC Blue Brigade
My father is a me mechanic and he loved working on BMC cars he said they are easy to maintain and parts very reasonably priced. I loved my all Agro it was comfortable and the only trouble I ever had with it was the gear stick lost its gate and it was like sturring paint looking fro the next one


Western Thunderer
Getting very excited, going Friday so we'll be arriving nice and fresh Saturday morning..
"We'll" being myself Phill and Rob..

Ross. .

Meeting in car park before ?. Ive got my speedy boarding pass !! Lol. :D

Im now coming on my own, no Seth in tow. We going England game friday night, so he resting saturday, He's got a game sunday for Burton Albion, away at sunny scunny.

Steve :cool:


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Very nice car that Tony, we had a few Vivas as kid's, my dad had a thing for them funny though cos we had a couple of HC's then went back a bit and got a 1970 H reg HB in dark green it was a minter. I always liked the horizontal speedo it was a novelty. .
Rostyles look the part too..


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
My parents were Viva HB and HC owners. I seem to recall a couple of HC saloons, and an estate. I think it primed me to become a Vauxhall owner, which I remained - 1978 2-door Chevette saloon, a gap, Astra Mk2 estate, Carlton estates - until a truly awful experience with a ten-year-old Vectra broke my run.

I am convinced my parents bought a brand new 2-door Magnum, in copper/bronze with beige cloth seats. A hole had appeared in the carpet on the floor in the back. It had been caused by an anorak toggle that appeared to have been dropped in the car during the interior fitting at the factory. Obviously, with foot traffic of two kids, the toggle had caused the hole. It caused a most memorable altercation between my mother and the foreman of the main dealer.

"But you've had people in the back, madam."

"Of course I have. Where do you expect me to put the children? In the bl**dy boot?!"

That has definitely gone down in the family history. :))

And to drag the topic even further away from Telford, we found a Firenza in a local eatery car park a couple of years ago.

A Rare Bird by Snaptophobic, on Flickr


OC Blue Brigade
:eek::eek:...cant believe you just said that !!!:p:p, they are the original rostyle wheels fitted to these cars.
as for thing about them was I get back to you on this ?.:)).
Cheers Tony.:rolleyes:
No offence meant tony , I had a marina TC with uprated suspension and the wheels were almost identical to those

John D

Western Thunderer
we had a few Vivas as kid's,

Learn't to drive in my dad's HB Viva....the colour of which (Calypso Red) I later found out was ,apparently,as near as dammit the colour the LNWR painted it's loco cab interiors only they didn't give it a fancy name......could I find the tin of touch-up paint? Much later when d/test passed had a 2ltr Firenza (in bog standard red) ....cracking car!:D

Tony West

Western Thunderer
Amazing isn't it the memories and emotions stirred by an old pile of steel on wheels...funny things 'we' humans !.
Anyway back to topic....GCRS stand on the Sunday....for cars, trains and banter !!!!.
Cheers Tony.


Western Thunderer
How the hell am I going to prevent SWMBO from seeing all those Price Tags on stuff....???? :confused: :eek: :oops:


I wouldn't be too concerned about what you've spent, it's when the penny drops and they work out it can all be sold for that price, suddenly decorating, new kitchens and sofa's are hot topics of conversation.

Look on the bright side, at least the row won't begin until after you've got home and the guest have departed LOL.