GWR 35T Retank Wagon


Western Thunderer
Good Evening All,

I'm just sitting through my collection of unbuilt kits which need wheels, and in my collection I've found an old Connoisseur Models kit for a 35T RecTank Wagon.

The instructions are a little vague and wondered if anyone could advise what size wheels they would have been? At a guess from the drawing in the kit I would guess they're 2' 9" 8 Spoke wagon wheels but wondered if somebody could confirm?

Josh :)


Western Thunderer
You are probably correct, Josh, but I'd give Jim a call at Connoisseur. Might be worth a look on line first, though, in case there are any updated instructions there.



Western Thunderer
The photo on page 58 of Great Western Wagons Appendix by J.H. Russell confirms that they had 8 Spoke wheels. Unfortunately no indication of diameter.
