Hello from Mallard



hi,to all members of western thunder.i would like to take this opportunity of thanking all members for there unstinting support and love shown in all that you have said and done. my sincere thanks to you all.john williams.

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
hi,to all members of western thunder.i would like to take this opportunity of thanking all members for there unstinting support and love shown in all that you have said and done. my sincere thanks to you all.john williams.


I'm sure that those of us who knew Cynric will aspire to sustain something of a legacy for him.
Thank you for conducting Cynric's funeral service in such an honest and eloquent manner.

Best wishes,



thanks lads.my only claim to fame on this web site is that my father was a driver on on steam trains out of euston to glasgow. I chose the name Mallard because its always good to show german engineering how its done. Again i must say it was wonderful to see you all at the funeral.i am only sorry i did,nt get the chance to talk to you all.Regards john.


OC Blue Brigade
With all this mention of the hallowed colour, I am beginning to think you lot are going soft. Hi john it's still the fastest, boiling kettle in the world (126)


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Welcome John:thumbs: My apologies for the PM, I thought that you were someone else - another gent that I know uses the name Mallard on a few forums.