Hello ! Just Joined


New Member
Hello, just joined today. I've heard good things about this group so hoping some will rub off on me.
I'm old enough to remember steam in the U.S. but still learning model railway skills. I have an HO layout that portrays a BN 50-mile line between Galesburg and Peoria, IL set in 1985. It's HO but I've refined my wheel standards to 88 thou and have built the majority of the track and points. Too late to change all the points to P87 but trying to start something in P4 as I've always loved British railways ever since seeing photos of the Heckmondwike and Pendon layouts.

James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Yes, welcome both! i have found this to be a friendly and helpful place to share modelling progress and obtain hints and suggestions for overcoming challenges. As Simon and Alan have said above, pics are good!
