Isaac Dixon

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
I've been toying with the idea of installing some sort of inside valve gear, mainly to fill in what would otherwise be an open space. Now, I'm not an expert on this sort of thing, but a friend was using some sort of AI on his computer and he produced these images for me.

I think I'll do more research! :))


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
I've been researching! :eek: I think I've got my head around how Stephensons inside valve-gear works. In any case I'm only going to try and model the bits that can be easily seen. As I have only the one sketch of Isaac Dixon to go from plus the rather hazy photo of the sister engine, I'm having (as usual) to improvise.

I firstly need to establish the position for the lifting arm. Hmm. The drill bit in the photos below indicate my best guesses.



Pete McFarlane

New Member
I've encountered some problems with the wheels. One of them has become a bit loose on its axle. Another has developed an alarming wobble, and on closer inspection I can that the centre hub has split. Not sure why, but I'm not sure how to proceed now.
The solution to the Gibson wheels shifting is to pin them in place - drill a 0.5MM hole through the boss into the steel axle, and superglue a length of wire into it (then trim when the glue is set). That stops them from moving.

Nice to see a model of one of Boulton's engines. I'm always amused by some of the imaginary Steam Punk machines that people dream up, as they always seem fairly tame compred with the contraptions that came out of Boulton's sidings.

spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Hi Pete.
I'm hoping that the replacement wheels I've got will be better. I think I may have rushed the preparation on the first set, hence the problems I encountered. I can use the old set to line things up without worrying too much about them wobbling or slipping. Then use the replacement set for final assembly. Or at least that's the plan!
