
Western Thunderer
Of course! Talk about not engaging brain before typing….

I also wanted to echo your “shout-out” to styrene_engineer on Instagram, some amazing creations going on there, not least the exhausts!

@Pencarrow is also amazing and has influenced my current building, of which, more soon.

Thanks again

Thank you John, very kind. Always nice to hear that people find my posts on worrying plasticard useful, it can sometimes feel like talking to an empty room. Cheers!


Western Thunderer
Trayed Me
The LOWFIT - supposedly a ‘quickie’ - gets finished. It’s taken most of last week off and on to get this far. Modelling time has been few and far.
All the white bits are ‘artisanal’ (more the latter syllable, than the former ). As mentioned previously, the white blocks are from the previous builders ‘bespoke’ tension lock solution. I took them off the last one, but they were a bugger to shift (I think they had shares in Araldite) so I’d left them in. The brakes are from Stores. I need to finish cleaning up the flash… The tie rods are 1 mm brass angle, and the vac pipes from Lanarkshire. A lowdown shot highlighted the need to add the supports between floor and solebar..

It seems like a while since I’ve done a vac fitted wagon!




Western Thunderer
A Transfer Of Appreciation
Just a little (typically over-worded :rolleyes: ) post to give due recognition - and associated grateful thanks - to Steve at Railtec. A custom request. Ordered on Monday (after measuring existing characters on a transfer sheet with verniers to ensure I’d got it right), delivered on Wednesday. Placement the same day…

Parked in a siding for 24 hours to allow it to harden off… wish me luck with the ‘11T’ branding; it’s even smaller!




Western Thunderer
Out With A Bang
A102D60B-5EDF-4D52-A517-F4369E65C2D1.jpegThe BR 1/260 is done. Numbered after a photo in my collection. The GUNPOWDER was custom made for me by Steve at Railtec and the other numbers and letters - individually applied (I’m having a big glass of something in a minute, don’t you worry!) are from his range too.

I still need to waft it with some aerosol varnish, but that can wait until the transfers are set.

Come On You Greens! :D


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Western Thunderer
Hi Jon

Thanks. I actually like how this one turned out :)

Regarding the result (which I acknowledge was against a less-than-first-eleven :D) I do celebrate it; we've had a woeful run of managers, injuries, and form. So any underestimating (or arrogance/indifference/poor judgement) by Slot is gratefully received :D




Western Thunderer
Supporting Cast
...well, not cast, so much as sheet...
eight brackets for the underside of a PIPE. 5 thou plasticard. Grateful thanks are extended (via the virtual realm) to Geoff Kent and his coverage of the necessary additionals in his Wild Swan books. Truly, we traverse a land mapped by explorers...




Western Thunderer
("Please Sir, it wasn't me, Sir. Geoff Kent made me do it" :) )

More detailing on the BR PIPE over the past couple of evenings.
4 per side extension brackets for the door actuators (forgive me if I don't add the linking shaft, I think it would be a hair's width in 4mm :D) , and the same number for the triangular supports between the wagon floor and solebar. These last are made of two bits of 5 thou; 1 (see previous post) folded and stuck to the solebar, and the top part separate strip stuck to the underside of the body. Once shuffled into potential proximity (you have to be quick!) they are united with a pinheadsworth of Loctite. This method seemed easier than trying to make one piece with two folds in it, consistently, eight times :D
1740737232562.jpegI still have to add the support brackets for the other side; you can maybe make them out lying on the LOWFIT in the background.




Western Thunderer
I like your usage of the LOWFIT as storage:))
Avoids having to find space for an old takeaway container :cool:
Hi Tim @timbowales
Given the propensity of part-progressed projects that litter the Wharf, it was only a matter of time until they became victims of much-needed Stores expansion :)

We DO have (doesn't everyone?) a TCM (Takeaway Container Mountain), but my lady batch cooks a lot of stuff, so I try not to impact her activities with mine :D #imaybedaftbutimnotanidiot :D


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Western Thunderer
Make yourself more popular by filtering out the odd shaped or size ones that don't stack nicely, and the ones with the broken lids, thus helping to keep the kitchen tidier...
Hello Nick, Yes. I’ve ‘diverted’ a few of those into the garage, for screws, etc. :) They do stack well :D

