John I's Occasional Workbench Thread


Active Member

Having now a fully operational (but scenically barren) layout - based very loosely on Evercreech Junction - I find the imperative to model somewhat diminished.

However, I try and keep at least one rolling stock project going; and the next one up is a 4mm. scale BR 1/007 20T PIG IRON wagon.

This will be based upon the body components of an Appleby Model Engineering kit, which I found amongst a hoard of castings given to me by John Talbot; (see the AME listing on the Cambridge Custom Transfers website for what remains available).

I am currently getting together various chassis components from my 'wagon bits' box, and the transfers have been designed and printed. Construction will commence shortly.

A recently completed project was the refurbishment of eleven Trix 'Whisky wagons' - one of each of the variants produced.

Another was an ancient Anbrico kit for the GWR diesel railcar No.14. This has been completed as running in early BR condition, with some of the valance panels removed.


The model is of its time, but looks well running alongside an upgraded Lima ex-GWR railcar, and I have a cast kit for the 'Lambourn Car', and the makings of W33W + W1096W + W38W amongst my pending projects.

John Isherwood.