Just for a laugh


Western Thunderer
A Temperance Society lecturer was travelling the Scottish Highlands and Islands in his quest to spread the word.
Hiring a church hall in a north coastal town one evening, he attracted a large crowd of sceptical folk.
But he had a cunning demonstration intended to counter the anticipated scepticism.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have here a glass beaker containing burn water, and another with Scotch whisky.
I will now put this freshly dug-up worm into the beakers - please observe the results"

He dipped the worm into the burn water, it wriggled frantically around.
He pulled it out, shook it and placed it in the whisky beaker.
The worm wriggled once, then straightened out and went still.
He pulled the by now deceased worm out and asked:

"Now, what can you deduce from that?"

A long silence, then a wily Scotsman at the back stood up and proclaimed:

"Aye, if ye drink whisky, ye'll noo get worrrms"
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Western Thunderer
Three Nuns go to heaven and sit at the gates, St. Peter says to them before I let you in you need to answer 1 simple question each.
First Nun stands up and Peter asks her "what was the name of the first man ?" she replies "Adam", and he lets her in.
Second Nun stands up and Peter asks her " what was the name of the first woman" she replies "Eve", and he lets her in.
The third Nun stands up and Peter says " Sorry but this question may a bit tricky " What was the first thing Eve said when she first saw Adam "
The Nun thought for a minute, "Hhmm that's a hard one !"...........