LMS 42' Bogie Utility Van


Western Thunderer
Is this not the beast that Richard is about to start


Built to Dia 1870 and built between 1933 and 1937 and numbered 37700 - 37939

Further details, drawing etc in Tatlow's Historic Carriage Drawings - Vol 3 NPCCS - page 35

It's the one that I would like to cut my scratchbuilding teeth on.




Western Thunderer
Hi Mike,

I'll be following this build with interest and may follow your lead as I always liked these vans. Did they ever appear in blood and custard as i'm sure i've seen a picture of one finished that way??

Best Regards Mick


Western Thunderer
Hi Mick,

I doubt it, but a look through the rest of Paul Bartlett's section on them might throw something up. My Cheona NPCCS book (vol 6) in their Railways in Profile series seems to have gone awol for the time being, there may be some information in that.




OC Blue Brigade
I constructed 1 of those last year I cannot remember who sent me the outline Drg but all of the pictures and the outline Drg I have I will sent to you if you want them


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I'm tempted to have a bash at a couple of them myself, once I've found a suitable roof profile.  I'd probably use a proprietary end too; there's the potential for a lot of work there.

And yes, I think some were in 'Blood and Custard' for a while but I'd have to check my photos.  Ideally I'd have one in LMS maroon, the other in either Carmine, or Carmine and Cream...



Western Thunderer
the roof profile looks like a standard Stanier one - as on the Inspection Saloons - available from Sidelines?



Steph Dale

Western Thunderer

Thanks for that.  I don't have an 'eye' for LMS coaching stock so wouldn't have been able to pick up the roof profile being of a standard outline.  I will have a look through my Peter Cowling list too, once I've dug it out.  Richard (Dikitriki) references a vac-form roof, but doesn't say where he got it from. :headbang:

I think he's got the overall spec right for the way I'd want to build my model, concentrating on the sides and floor.



Western Thunderer
( If I get the chance I'll check the NRM lists this evening too.) Oops, messed up the quote thing but you get the gist  :)) :))


If you get any joy with the NRM let me know and I'm happy to pick the drawings up for you next week when I go, or if not i'll make some face to face enquires if you like. When I spoke on the phone about J73 drawings they said they only had a GA but on visiting I had a good dig around the Darlington lists and found all sorts,

Best regards Mick