I've seen Class 04 D2245 in ex works green, on the back of a lorry today on the M18 heading towards the A1 junction. No photo, as I was driving at the time.
On Thursday on the way back from London on the M1 between junc 25 & 26 i saw the class 31 in the ochre livery from the GCR on an Load Loader heading North.
Must be going to an open day etc.
I did ask SWMBO to take a pic but by the time she had found her fone from her handbag i was at junc 27
Saw this 08, 08810, last week going south at Jnc 25 M1, then later passed on the opposite side of M42 by jnc 5, me returning from Redditch to Mansfield.
& this TATA shunter #94, going south on M1 passing Woodhall Services.