Next up for some serious attention will be the station building and platform canopies. PJH's mock up of the station building which has appeared in a number of photos here has been tweaked to fit the site without straying too far from the dimensions of Chigwell station on which it is based.
So far I have created a 3D drawing from which we can extract the laser cutting drawing for Phil H-P (no pressure Phil).
The columns supporting the platform are pretty intricate and I haven't finished the detailing yet. They will need to be 3D printed and then cast in brass.
However we do already have the brackets etched which support the canopy beams. Despite PJH's desire to make everything dead accurate, the drawing for this etch was traced over a photo of a similar bracket at Newbury Park, suitably de-skewed in Photoshop. I was surprised how well it came out. Nobody seems to want to check the dimensions anyway.