Love Lane, B.R. (E) c.1956-59

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
Hi I hope you don't mind me putting this on here but this on RM and this guy made this out of plasticard amazing
Just thought you might be interested

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
How long have we been waiting for this bus to turn up?!

Shouldn't there be three at once???

I have promised myself and others to do a super detailing job on it, including helping a very good friend to convert one into a 2RT2, so maybe it deserves a new thread in it's own right?

Several years ago I did try and add extra detail to a 4mm EFE model such as wing mirrors, the distinctive LT indicators, bonnet handles, additional raised panel lines, interior grab posts, new decals, garage plates etc.

RT 4751 06.jpg

RT 4751 07.jpg
RT 4751 03.jpg


Western Thunderer
Work day on LL today. Only a few including myself on a very rare opportunity to visit on a Wednesday.

Pretty productive day nearly completing the railings on the 'UP' platform. Had to make up a few railing elbows which finish that area off quite nicely. As the layout has its first outing in 3 weeks time we thought it might be an idea to run a train or two which gave the opportunity for some progress photos. To be honest these don't really show the level of completion as the platform canopies are very nearly there.

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Western Thunderer
Latest update from this Wednesday's working party. We now have a traverser although not complete with loco spurs and cassettes to be laid on the short sections of board either end, one being the link span ( yeah I know that's really a maritime term :D) to the main layout but you get my drift..
Electrics etc. all to be done. There will be another built for the other end at some point. DSCF3574.JPG DSCF3575.JPG
The Station Masters car has been delivered courtesy of Vangaurds, this will be deconstructed for refinement and detailing.
Garage and garden is the work of John Watson, superb :thumbs:



Western Thunderer
Latest update from this Wednesday's working party. We now have a traverser although not complete with loco spurs and cassettes to be laid on the short sections of board either end, one being the link span ( yeah I know that's really a maritime term :D) to the main layout but you get my drift..
Electrics etc. all to be done. There will be another built for the other end at some point. View attachment 59331 View attachment 59332
The Station Masters car has been delivered courtesy of Vangaurds, this will be deconstructed for refinement and detailing.
Garage and garden is the work of John Watson, superb :thumbs:
View attachment 59333

Superb work on that fiddle yard :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
For the electrical connections would it be worth tapping the Ali and using loops soldered to the ends of the wires, and then attached with small bolts?


Peter Insole

Western Thunderer
As the evenings are drawing in it feels like we are working later, but it was JB who got caught in the gloaming with a loaded paintbrush in hand. We were both in trouble tonight when Mrs JB switched the lights off!

But I had already taken a handful of photo's earlier.

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I got a bit carried away this morning and glued the superb girder firmly in place. I wanted to be able to blend the weathering in situ later in the afternoon.


Failing to get beyond a plain coat of soot all over anyway, I had instead successfully blocked the gap where the rest of the underside structure was to be inserted.


Not a disaster, just a bit more work for tomorrow!

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We weren't playing trains, honestly. Just essential clearance testing of course!

I must end this brief report with a thank you and an apology: Mrs. JB provided us with a fabulous pasta lunch, and Robin spent all day doing wizard things under the baseboards with a lot of brightly coloured stuff that looks like spaghetti.

And I'm sorry JB if your dinner was starting to fuse with the plate!



Western Thunderer
The top of the coach looks very close to the girder baring in mind that the vents are still to go on yet.. I think there will be enough space though..

On another note...

7 locos serviced and looking forward to their first day in the public gaze.. Of which none of them are truly finished!! Except perhaps for Freddie's train in the background. If you need a bus, Freddie can supply one of those too..



Peter Insole

Western Thunderer
Oh-oh! Did someone measure Chigwell as post BR goods services (1966) , with the track raised for Central Line tube train only operation ?????

Never mind. It seemed that at least one Minister of Transport was happy to accept an Epping, Ongar line bidder's assurance that the low M11 bridge at North Weald was not going to be a problem as (quote) "They would fit a hinge on the funnel of the engine..."!



Western Thunderer
Didn't get a chance to take any photos today, but a productive day had!

The traverser is all fixed up, bolted to the layout and running nicely, though the wiring is still to be done, a simple job once in the zone. It's really coming along now.

We had a quick play, errr test session at the end and everything seemed to run very nicely. Still sorry not to be able to be there on the day, but I think the layout attendees will have a great day at the show.
