It was good to catch up with S7 and non S7 guy's at Mark, I did hear apparently around 70 attended.
Unfortunately my camera battery had gone dead by the time I got there ( perhaps it don't like 4.00am either!) even though it showed full charge the night before

, new battery required?
I enjoyed the other challenge 33 entrants, Simon's layout being the one I kept returning to, some really nice buildings mate

with more on the way.
I was totally surprised at the interest shown in my own effort which only amounted to what was basically bare baseboards but as some said it is the concept that interests them having seen the research material I had taken, so I suppose I achieved something, plus it was a good test run for me for setting up and how it fits in the motor etc.....just

John Borkowski's 40'-0"double track would have made good class 37 drag racing I reckon

, but excellent to test your loco's on

A big thanks to those members "better half's" who looked after us with food and drink

I look forward to next years event.
Sorry I'm a bit out of the way to have given you a lift mate