

Flying Squad

This project was going so well..... and then the sun came out...:p

Well yes, although I have just started laying the freight sidings having acquired the appropriate bit of Peco code 75-ery:)

And you can rest assured that commuters are enjoying a regular service on the new air conditioned 158 thingummies....

But yes, the call of the wild is hard to ignore...:))


Flying Squad
Eric had always enjoyed giving that "little bit extra" to Mrs Miggins down at the station, but something told him that things weren't going to be the same this morning.....



Flying Squad
Well, it's that time of year again:))

There's been a new high speed service operating Since Tuesday.


The civil engineers are out again and the next piece of "real estate" has been created, precision methods being used as you see below.


A new 4 pair power and comms cable has been routed over the doorway, all now permanently fixed in place, I'm still pondering the control options for the whole layout.


Lots of testing required, here's a track worker's view of Rowley New Street with an assortment of trains in view.


Got to go, track to lay and wires to solder:)



Flying Squad
More progress and a bit of small train retail therapy today.

Checking the alignment and running of the new main loop connections at the East end of Rowley New Street. Track laid out roughly in position for the goods yard headshunt(s) at right.


The new middle headshunt cum stock siding plays temporary host to the fleet of environmentally friendly motive power units about to be despatched to Kernowland, just think of all the electricity he'll save:))


Pictured shortly afterwards, here's a picture for all you fans of blue trains.



Flying Squad
Here are two shots showing the yard head shunt area which extends across the new board. As you can see in the first picture I need to extend my baseboard a bit:))



And finally here's my retail indulgence, three weathered Hornby "Trout" ballast wagons which I thought would make a nice small train for the ballast plough "Shark" that Capt Kernow indulged me with a few years ago:)


They are lovely models, and I love the fact that they are numbered differently, although I don't much like the shade of green and the weathering is very uniform, extending to the wheel treads. I shall be digging out my Precision engineers olive green (amongst other paints) and hoping it's still useable after (ahem) 25 plus years in addition to making loads and trying to darken the green with a blackish wash over other paint effects. It will make a nice change from the acres of paint required on G1 models!

The next stage layoutwise is to ballast the centre sections of the three running loops in order to fix them very securely to the board before putting isolating breaks across all rails with my cutting disc.

It is great to be able to drive trains right through the station and we also ran under power into the up bay and yard area for the first time this afternoon:thumbs:


Simon Dunkley

So, the forum does have one rule, then?

Rule zero: If in doubt or conflict, rule 1 applies, so be nice.


Flying Squad
After about 12.3o the ballasting commenced, here the ballast (Woodland Scenics buff medium) is being tidied up before spraying water and then dropping diluted PVA in the time honoured fashion. I managed to ballast through all three loops nearly to platform ends before I used up my supplies, more than immediately required to secure the areas that require cutting, which I will hopefully do tomorrow if all dries out enough overnight.


Job done.


I then went on and used up our remaining "fine cinders" plus odd bits of other stuff to do the first (long) siding.


This got a bit messy but after ages of removing scenic stuff from where it shouldn't have been I think it looks OK.


Flying Squad
The baseboard extending gang got busy too (how I love corrugated cardboard) and here you can see that the whole yard is now completed. The engineers still have possession of the through lines as you can see but limited access has been restored to allow mail handling from the up bay platform and coal deliveries:))


My conceit is that the lower siding is the truncated remains of a longer siding (there were probably more sidings fanning out below it in the above picture too) but it has been cut back to allow car parking in the semi used yard, and I think it will have an end loading built on to the end of it, possibly Motorail but shades of Coventry yard when I was a student there in the early 80s.

The new extension functions very well as carriage sidings too:


It's quite nice to be doing sensible sized trains again:rolleyes:



Flying Squad
While Harry was distracted photographing old Land Rovers at Marshcastle:eek:


I took the opportunity to take the main drag at Rowley New Street "back to the future":))


The Cortina Mk 3 was another little retail indulgence yesterday which I quite like the look of. There are a bunch of rally type wallys causing an obstruction on the bridge today (probably Hammond Clarkson and May dreaming up a silly TV program for the future) and the Post Office are having problems with the telephones in station tower. There also seem to be rather a lot of Fords about the place.

Harry hasn't spotted the removal of all that modern stuff yet:))



Western Thunderer
It's quite nice to be doing sensible sized trains again:rolleyes:


They still look pretty big to me:)

Seriously, this looks like a lot of fun. How much of the original cardboard layout that used to live in the old shop window is left and are there any pictures of that layout in its original location?



Flying Squad
They still look pretty big to me:)

Seriously, this looks like a lot of fun. How much of the original cardboard layout that used to live in the old shop window is left and are there any pictures of that layout in its original location?


Hi Jerry

The whole of the scenicificated layout survives, the track layout was rationalised and time period moved forward (as featured on RMweb in the version before the version before the current one) It has suffered a bit where Toto the cat sat on it:rolleyes: and there have been further recent track changes for the orbital project but it carries on. Of course the traffic's worse and a lot more trains pass through than when it was a sleepy little light railway terminus....


Unfortunately I don't think there are any pictures of it set up in the Brassknocker shop as it was before these wonderful digital camera days.



Flying Squad
All rails cut, new control panel built, all working bar one unpowered crossing on one curved point that needs a new switched feed:rolleyes:

All lines have now been run over under power:thumbs:



Western Thunderer
Excellent stuff Simon you have been busy:thumbs:

I hope we are going to get some DRY days this year so i too can get busy "in the garden " ;)
