Matt's random modelling attempts


Western Thunderer

Thought I should start a thread. This will probably end up being a totally random selection of projects, and updated when and if the urge takes me because I tend to model in bursts.

I've recently moved house so, as yet, don't have a modelling area set up. As mentioned in my welcome post, I've not done any railway modelling in several years. My first few projects (if they materialise!) will therefore be things I can do "at the dining room table" as opposed to a layout.

I've ordered a Parkside CCT kit with the intention of turning it into a Rail Blue parcels van (or that's the plan). Hopefully this'll arrive in the next few days so I can get cracking.

I've also been wanting to scratchbuild a building for a while. Looking around online, I came across the former Warboys station:

Disused Stations: Warboys Station

I like these "H" shaped buildings because I could build the two "ends" as modules while deciding what to have in the middle because I'm not fond of the Warboys (timber?) section. I do like the canopy though.

Stupidly, I recycled a load of mounting board before moving (I'll never need it) so will have to pick some more up before I can do anymore!



Western Thunderer
That's a cute little station building. An interesting track layout in the aerial photo too.
Anything GE is fine by me

Good Luck!



Western Thunderer
So it begins!

I'm working on a station building, loosely based on Warboys. My version has a chimney, "just because".

This is the basic shell of one end of the building completed and clad in embossed sheet. I'm using card for the shell and plastic sheet for the outer texture which has worked well in the past.

Windows are from Brassmasters.



Western Thunderer
Having reviewed things, I decided that the building was too wide making it look out of proportion. Same went for the chimney stack.

Following some quick surgery, things are looking a lot better (although I can't stop thinking it looks like a platelayers hut!)




Western Thunderer
A nice Sunday afternoon project!

I'd previously built the underframe badly leaving the axle boxes splayed out on one side. I removed the solebars and used some plastic card to space them equally.

A couple of hours later here's where I am...




Western Thunderer
I've added footsteps from plastic card instead of the kit supplied parts which were a bit...well...blobby.


I've also attached internal partitions to stop the sides flexing.


Western Thunderer
What Heather said :)

Pictures of others' modelling always helps to keep those of us who have lost their mojo or have little or no modelling time due to what is happening in real life, interested and it keeps the fire burning.

Weathering is very realistic but rusting on your minerals is fantastic :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Subtle and nicely blended, Matt, well done.

I, too, particularly like the mineral wagons. Have you used Maskol for the chipping effect? I bought a Mig weathering product for this purpose some time ago which I've yet to try, but apparently its results are similar to the hair spray method.

I'll keep an eye on your thread.




Western Thunderer
Thanks for the positive comments. I did these wagons several years ago and they've been stored ever since. I've had to do a little bit of patching up on some of them.

Jonte: the rusting was done with a combination of masking fluid and hand painting. I've got a couple of these "chipping fluids" but I've never actually used any of them - keep meaning to give them a go but never got around to it!